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Derek meets Jacks babysitter, you

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Derek meets Jacks babysitter, you.

Aaron had Jack with in his office. He didn't want to go away from him and Aaron couldn't get himself to say no.

Jack was running around the bullpen, playing with Derek and Rossi. Spencer showed him magic tricks and Garcia gave him sweets, but don't tell Hotch.

It was getting late and Jack got bored.

Hotch was in his office when his son came in.

"Daddy!" he screams excited.

"What is it?" Aaron asks with a smile.

"I'm booreed!" he exclaims with a pout.

"Ok bud, come on. Sit on the couch. I will be ready in a few minutes." he says and Jack does as he told.

After a few minutes Aaron looks over and sees that Jack fell asleep. He steps out of his office and the others look at him.

"Everything okay, Hotch?" Derek asks.

"Yes, i just need to make a call and Jack fell asleep." he responds and the others nod.

You sit at home, waiting for your Pasta to boil, when your phone rings.

"Hello?" you ask.

"Hey Y/N, can you please come to the office and grab Jack, he fell asleep and I still have work." he asks.

"Of course, I will be there as soon as I can." you respond and put the Pasta away.

"Thank you, Y/N. Really." he says and you roll your eyes.

"It's no problem Aaron, I love Jack." you say to him and hang up.

Hotch hangs up and wants to make his way back into his office.

"Who did you call?" JJ asks.

"Oh, just Jack's babysitter. She's going to grab him home." he responds and goes back.

You were getting into the BAU building and made your way to the elevators. You made your way up to floor 6 and when the door opened you made your way trough.

You stood there and could see some people working. You clear your throat and ask, "I'm sorry, can you show me where Aaron Hotchner is?"

They all look up and see a young, attractice woman with beautiful eyes and hair in lazy clothes looking at them with a nice smile.

Derek stands up and goes to her, "Hello sweetcheeks, I'm Derek Morgan I'm gonna walk you to his office." he says and you smile at him.

"So, your Jack's babysitter?" he asks as you make your way to Aaron's office.

You laugh and look at him, "If you want my number just ask."

"Alright, can I get your number?" he asks with a flirterous smile.

"Maybe." you state and he chuckles as you knock lightly on Hotch's door.

You open the door and see Aaron sitting in his chair and Jack sleeping on the Couch.

"Hey Y/N." he says as you lift up Jack, he snuggles into you and puts his arms around you.

"Hey Aaron, I will just take Jack. We are both tired. Is it okay, if I sleep at yours today?" you ask him.

"No it's alright and I'm still sorry." he responds and you shake your head, always apologising.

You make your way out of his office and see Derek standing there.

"So, you thought about the number?" he asks with a smirk and you roll your eyes.

You put out your Hand and he knows what to do. He gives you your phone and you type in your number. When your ready, you give it back to him.

You give him a wink and go into the elevator with Jack in your arms.

As you exit the building, you have a big smile on your face.


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