𝐴𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑛 𝐻𝑜𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑛𝑒𝑟 - 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑠𝑎𝑖𝑑...

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You were babysitting Jack Hotchner, a boy with an FBI dad, Aaron Hotchner

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You were babysitting Jack Hotchner, a boy with an FBI dad, Aaron Hotchner. You had a little crush on him and one night you find something out.


Aaron Hotchner, the dad of the kid you were babysitting, Jack Hotchner. He is a little boy, with the kindest and sweetest behavior. He always asks you if your okay and what you want to do, yo can just smile at him for his kindness.

Aaron is also very sweet. He asks if it's okay that you could babysit, of course you can but it's cute anyways. He sometimes even pays you much more, than you should get. You don't want to accept it but he doesn't care. You repay him by baking muffins or babysitting Jack longer than needed.

Right now you were watching some Tv with Jack, while cuddling him.

"Y/N?" he asks.

"Yes, Buddy?" you respond.

"Can we get some ice cream?" he asks nicely.

You look at him and nod, "What flavour do you want, honey?" you ask as you get up.

"COOKIES AND CREAM!" he screams excited.

You laugh at his excitement and get everything ready.

"Here you go." you say as you hand him a bowl with ice cream, "Thank youuu!" he says.

Jack and you sit for another hour, ice cream long gone, chatting sometimes and just enjoying yourselfs.

"Alright sweetie, time for bed. Go brush your teeth." you say to him.

He does as you told, getting up and brushing his teeth. After that you take him to bed.


"Yes, Jack?"

"Do you like my dad?" Jack asks randomly.

"Ehmm, of course I like your dad." you say confused.

"Do you love him? Because Daddy said he loves you! And I asked him if you love him too and he said we need to ask you, so?" he says to you.

You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks and smile to the ground sheepishly.

"I-I don- I-I love him too." you answer him honestly. "Okay, now sleep or I will tell your dad to sell your toys." you can hear his little giggle, as you close the door.

You are watching Tv, when you hear the door open and see Aaron coming in.

"Hey Y/N." he says while untying his tie.

"Hey Aaron," you respond "Jack and I had a bit ice cream. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh no, it's alright. Everything is fine." he says and smiles at you.

There is silence and you don't know what overcomes you, but you say, "You know.. while I put him to bed, he said something to me."

"And what did he say?" Aaron asks curious.

"You know he asked me if I love you, because you casually said you love me." you say to him with a little grin, and you can see his cheeks blushing.

"And?" And? What does he want to know?

"And what?" you asks.

"What did you answer?" he responds. Oh that. Shit!

"I- eeh- I you know. I might have said I love you too." you say hestitantly, more like whispering at the end.

You can see him smile while you blush like a tomato. He comes closer to you and you to him.

As he is near enough, he asks "Can I kiss you?", while looking between your eyes and lips.

You nod and lean closer to him.

As your lips touch, you can feel the butterflies in your stomach. After a few minutes, you both pull apart.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" he asks after the kiss.

You just laugh and lay your head on his chest, "I'd love to."

This is definetly not how you planned your evening, but it's better than you thought.


I loovvee Aaron Hotchner, like can he just marry me already.

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