1. Evening off.

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The usual evening off.

A typical place where street racing is made legal.

So, in other words,
The place where you'll find me on Friday nights.

I park my car down the road and walk the last bit to the place. I can already hear the crowd and the growling engines. Taking in a deep breath and enjoying my time here, I walk over to my friend that's waiting for me. He waves when he sees me. 'Evening.' Adam says. 'Hey.' I say back as he hands me a beer. 'Tonight's good.' He says. 'Oh yeah?' We make our way to the crowd and try to find a spot where we can see what's going on.

I climb onto one of the beams and sit down there before opening my beer. 'Oh you're right.' I say as adam climbs on as well. 'Told you.' He says. We watch the two cars drift. 'A lot of people here as well.' I say. 'Yeah. A different place got shut down so I bet some of the people here came from there.' Adam explains. 'New people, huh?' I ask. 'Yeah, new cars too.' He says as he points further back. 'Oh damn.' I say.

After the two cars stopped and other cars are going to hold a street race, I make my way down, wanting a spot closer. I move to the busy crowd.

This sure as hell wasn't as busy last week.

I try not to bump into people but I end my getting bumped into by someone else. The glass beer bottle falls out of my hand because of it, shattering at my feet. 'Oh I'm so sorry.' I look up at the person. A guy with brown eyes and hair looks at the broken glass. He's wearing a denim jacket. 'It's alright.' I say, as my eyes linger on his face. 'You sure?' He asks before he meets my eyes, making me look away 'Yes, yeah. Have a nice evening.' I say. 'You too.' He says with a smile.

I walk off, but I can't help to look back once.

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