4. Rooms.

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'So this is Amy.' Elton says as he points at me. 'Yes!' Corey says as he hugs me tightly. I chuckle, having known Elton for a while and having met Corey a while back because of that. 'Nice to meet you, I'm Evan.' The oldest one says. I shake his hand, noticing a ring. Married. Around 30 to 35. 'Nice to meet you, you're the camera man right?' I ask. 'Sure am.' He says with a smile 'nice.' I say.

A guy with brown hair walks up next, faintly familiar. 'I'm Corbin.' He says. 'Amy.' I say back as I quickly shake his hand. Man in his twenties from what I can guess. The last ones Brandon around the others age.

'Nice meeting you guys, thanks for having me.' I say 'oh you're more then welcome, we heard some cool stories from Elton.' Brandon says. 'Oh yeah?' I ask as I give Elton a look. 'Yeah.' Brandon chuckles. 'Hey lets head up first and go grab dinner. We'll talk there.' Elton says.

We head up to the hotel rooms.

'Need me to help?' Brandon offers. I sling the military duffel bag over my shoulder 'no I'm good. Thanks.' I say. We take the elevator up and stop in a hallway  'so we have three rooms. One is for Evan and the other two for us. Where do you want to go?' Corey asks. 'Oh yeah that's a thing.' Corbin says. 'Who is the least loud?' I ask. 'Elton snores.' Corey points out. 'And you have a girlfriend.' I say to him. 'Well me and Corbin have a room and Corey and Brandon have one.' Elton says. 'Mine and Coreys have two two person beds.' Brandon points out. 'Yeah and ours has one two person.' Elton adds 'Alright I guess I'll stay with Brandon and Corey then.' I say. 'Alright.'

The rooms end up being next to each other, only Evan's being down the hall. 'So how do we sleep?' Corey asks. 'I'm staying away from you.' I say. I notice that both beds are in use already and Corey sits down on his. 'I can join Corey if you want.' Brandon says. 'Oh its fine if you're okay with it.' I say as I notice all his things by the bed. To much of a bother to move everything. 'Fine by me.' He says.

I set my bag down before walking over to the window, but there's not much to see.

There's a knock on the door, making me turn around. Corey opens it to reveal the others

'grabbing dinner?'

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