7. Wake up.

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You'd expect to be treated nicer.

'Wake up!' Elton yells through the hotelroom. 'Get up sleepy asses!' I groan and blink my eyes open. Brandon is awake and sitting up next to me, Corey mumbles a protest. 'Fuck off.' I say back. 'Oh come on Aims.' Elton says as he goes to bother Corey.

I watch Brandon follow something with his eyes, before I feel two hands press down on my back.
A little to gentle to be Elton.
'Who...' I roll over, seeing Corbin smile. 'You're disturbing my peace.' I say before rubbing my face with my hands. Brandon yanks the warm fuzzy blankets off of me, making me colder. I roll over and slap his arm 'asshole, I trusted you.' I say. He chuckles.

Brandon gets up as Elton goes on to annoy me. 'Ey lazy woman. Get your ass out of bed.' He says. 'No.' I say as I move on my side so my back is facing him. He pokes my leg with his foot, but I ignore it. 'Brandon, get her.' Elton says. An 'oh no.' Coming from Corey.

I want to ask what he means, but I feel two arms under me before I get hoisted into the air. 'Wait, no no no.' I say as I'm being carried to the bathroom. 'Brandon put me down.' I say as Elton heads into the bathroom and turns on the shower. 'You didn't want to get up, huh?' Elton says. 'We'll get you up for you.' Brandon says politely, though the actions is less polite. 'No, please don't.' I say as I try to move away from the shower as Brandon still holds me. 'No Brandon have mercy, it's my first day.' I say as I grab the arm that holds my legs up. 'This is how everyone's first day went.' Elton says.

'No, piss off.' I say as I try to climb out of Brandon's hold. When I have managed to get both arms over Brandon's shoulder, I'm met with the amused expression that shows on Corbin's face. 'Help me out?' I ask. He shakes his head s the smile grows. 'Please? I praised your car last time.' I say. He chuckles.

Brandon hoists me up so I'm over his shoulder, making me yelp thinking I'd fall. He steps in the shower and stands under the cold running water. 'Ah- mother fuckers.' I curse as the cold water runs over my back. 'You got me, now piss off.' I says as I pat Brandon's back.

He steps out of the shower and carefully sets me down, water dripping from the both of us. Elton laughs as Corbin smiles as he stands against the door with crossed arms.

'Way to start my day.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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