3. Call.

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I can't say I've lived a boring life.

Tragic in the first few years, but interesting.

Life of a soldier,
loving cars and street racing,
riding a motorcycle,
co owning a shooting range,
And owning a land rover defender from 1976.

Can't say I haven't needed to work my ass off for everything I have.

But I got there.

Elton: hey, do you have some time?

You: yeah what's up

Elton: mind if I call?

You: no, go ahead

My phone rings and I pick up. 'Hey man, haven't talked to you in a while.' I say. 'Sure haven't. How are you doing?' He asks. 'I'm doing well. What's up?' I ask. 'Well me, Corey and three friends are doing this 25 week thing where we go to haunted or abandoned places, and seeing how you're close by, I wanted to ask if you could join us sometime.' He says. 'Oh Uhm, sure. I can get a day off.' I say. 'Well if you'd like you can join us for a couple of days. Promise you won't regret it.' He says. 'How many days are you thinking?' I ask. 'Two weeks wouldn't be bad right, maybe you could take us to your work or to the shooting range?' He asks. I chuckle, of course that's what he wants. 'Alright, what do I get in return?' I ask with a grin. 'Lovely company, and we'll get you settled with places to sleep and stuff.' He says. I scoff at the first thing but actually don't find it a bad idea.

'And everyone is okay with this?' I ask. 'Yeah! Told them a thing or two about you, and they'd love to meet you.' He says. 'Alright. I'll have to figure some things out. I'll text you when I know more.'

And that's how I ended up on a two week trip with two guys I know and three I don't.

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