2. Street Racing.

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'So who's going to win?'

I hum while thinking 'the BMW.' I say. 'No I don't think so.' Adam says. I shrug 'well I saw a few dope looking cars a little back. New I'm assuming.' I say. 'We can take a look after the race.' I nod at the request.

We watch the race and the BMW wins, so I grin at Adam.

'Told ya.' I say as I back away from the crowd and head towards the nice cars. 'Alright you win.' Adam says. He looks at the time on his phone 'hey I have to go. Early shift tomorrow.' He says. 'Ah okay. Have a safe trip man.' I say. He waves before walking off.

I head on on my own.

I walk past the cars and stop at a few, but my eyes land on a yellow Corvette. I stop and look at the front before walking around it. Kneeling next to the rims to take a better look. Kept clean. I nod in approval as I stand back up.

The car beeps, making me jump a little and look at who owns it.
The brown haired guy who bumped into me walks up, chuckling to himself. 'Trying to scare me now?' I say as i stuff my hands into my pockets. 'No of course not.' He says sarcastically. I smile and look back the the car 'nice one.' I say as I briefly point at it. 'Sure is.' He says. '600 Hp Corvette, or am I mistaking?' I ask. He smiles 'you know your cars! It sure is.' He says. 'Damn.' I say as I move to the back. Everything is clean and no rust. 'Want to look inside?' He asks. 'Yeah, that'd be great.'

He opens the car and turns the handle to open the hood.

I take out my phone and turn on the flashlight to get a better look. I whoop, making the guy laugh. 'Car fanatic?' He asks. 'Meh, little bit.' I say as I lean closer to look further down. 'Little bit.' He repeats. 'It's not entirely clean.' I say as I wipe my finger over the engine. 'No, I know. Didn't have the time yet.' He says. 'It's a nice one though, incredible state from what I can see.' I say. 'Worked hard to patch her up.' He says. 'Bet.' I close the hood.

'One request.' I say. 'Yeah?' I grin and look at the guy 'can you start it?' I ask. He grins and gets into the car. The lights turn on 'ready?' He asks. I chuckle and give a thumbs up. The car starts perfectly. 'Man oh man. That's a clean sound.' I say. He looks proud. 'Produces over 600 horse power.' He says. 'What?!' I ask with a laugh 'Yeah!' He says happily. 'Completely had to fix her up, but now she's running better then ever.' He says. 'Holy Shit man.' I say.

That was it. My short break ended that evening and work was starting again.
New experiences around the corner.

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