5. Story.

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Sitting down at a table I glance at Corbin. 'You have an eye on Corbin?' Elton asks. 'No, he.... seems a little familiar.' I say. 'How?' Elton asks. I shrug 'if I knew I would have told you.' I say. 'Fair.'

'So tell us some of your stories.' Elton says. 'What do you want to know?' I ask. 'Do you really own a shooting range?' Brandon asks. 'Me and a friend own it, yeah. He's over there more then I am.' I say. 'So you can shoot?' Corbin asks. 'Rifle, pistol, sniper, you name it.' I say before taking a bite of my food. 'Damn.' Brandon says with a laugh.

'And you've been in the army for a while.' Corbin says. 'Five years Yeah.' I say. 'How many deployments have you been on?' He asks. 'Eight.' I answer, making the table go quiet. 'Eight, really?' Corbin asks. 'She has been away more then she has been home.' Elton states. 'And how old are you?' 'Twenty two, turning twenty three in couple of months.' I say. 'Jesus.' Brandon says. I shrug. 'You must have seen a lot then.' He says. I stop my hand from moving for a second before going on 'I have.'

'Can't you just quit and make a living out of the shooting range?' Elton asks. 'I could, but I like my job.' I say. Elton hums. 'The brotherhood?' I look up at Corbin after the words left his lips. 'Yeah, mainly that. Plus it pays well and they cover a lot of expenses.' I say. The guys chuckle 'I mean come on.' I say, chuckling as well.

'So the summary Elton made of you was: you're a badass soldier/nurse who owns a shooting range and weapons. You have a land rover and a old Volvo. Plus you have a motorcycle and know how to ride any kind of bike.' Brandon says. 'Don't know about the badass part, but kinda accurate.' I say.

'Car fanatic.' Corbin says. 'Yeah little bit.' I say back. 'Little bit.' He mumbles. I look up. 'I remember what it was.' I say. 'What?' Elton asks. 'I remember what I recognize you from.' I say. 'Me?' Corbin asks. 'Yes! The yellow Corvette at the street race.' I say. Everyone looks dumbfounded as Corbin starts to laugh 'no way, that was you?' He asks. 'Yeah!' I say. We both laugh. 'I knew it.' I say.

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