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⊱second person pov⊰

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second person pov


you looked out the window from your toddler car seat, while your mom drives. you were on the way to your new kindergarten, your family had moved from Korea to Japan due to your dad's new job. did you like the idea of moving? not really, no. were you gonna miss Korea? no. get me straight you didn't like it nor like it, Korea's an amazing country to be in it just didn't click with you. was being in Japan gonna change you? who knows. all you cared now was having to talk to people at your new kindergarten.

"don't worry n/n! don't be sad!" your mom spoke as you looked at her from the window, you stayed quiet. "look, i know you didn't like the idea of moving- heck neither did i!" she added, "you'll meet new people! oh and finally make some friends!" your mom added and continued to try to make your day better. oh yea, did i not mention you didn't make any friends back in Korea? well, it's not like people didn't like you, you just wouldn't talk to them nor play with them. you just stayed put and silence.

"ah look! we're here!" your mom sang as you snap out of your thought about your kindergarten and looked out the window to see the gates of the school. your mom parked the car as you quickly faked slept, trying to hint your mom you didn't want to go. the black haired women unlocked the car and got out of her car, walking over to your side and opened the door. "n/n— eh? how is she asleep..?" your mom thought to herself until it hit her, you were faking it. "n/n, you know you have to go to school" she said carelessly your cheek, as you peeked out of your eye to see her and quickly shut it when she looked into your eyes.

"your brother didn't want to go either" your mom said as you opened your eyes and frowned, looking at your red shoes. "what's wrong baby?" the black haired women crouched down looking at you. you shook your head as she signed, the women stood up and grabbed your f/c bag and swung it over her shoulders. the women then unbuckled your seat as you tried to push her away, you later gave up as she carried you out of the car and locked the car, making her way inside the school with her.

the women walked inside, "ah! mrs. l/n!" the principle spoke walking towards you and her, you quickly looked behind your mom and played with her long black hair. the adults began to talk about some stuff, you played with your mom hair as she started to walk. she followed the principal outside and towards a classroom, he walked in grabbing some attention to some students inside. your mom then placed you down and helped you talk off your shoes and wear the inside shoe, "y/n, this is going to be your placed to hang your coat, and here is where you placed your outside shoes and get your inside shoes" the principal spoke to you as you just stared at him.

you watched as the principal placed your red shoes inside the shoe locker and closed it, your mom then took off your coat and hung it on the hooker before placing your f/c bag too. "this space is for your lunch!" the principle added as your mom handed you your bento box as you just held it and stared at it, it took you a while before you placed it in the empty space. "alright, it's time to wave your mommy goodbye" the principle said as your eyes widen, you looked at him then at your mom and ran behind her leg, hugging it.

"n/n, i have to go.." you shook your head, "this um- this will take some time" your mom said and managed to pick you up and hold you. "n/n you know i can't stay" you frowned and looked down at her shirt, "you'll make some friends! trust me you will" she smiled at you. you felt bad for your mom who had to deal with your bickering and fighting so you nodded slowly, the women was shocked by your nod and slowly set you down, she watched as you walked behind the principal who was talking to the teacher. you looked at your mom and waved at her, and blowing a kiss. she did the same and left, you watched as the principal and your new teacher spoke.

your teacher was female, she had long light brown hair that was clipped in a bun. she wore a long sleeve pink sweater, the sleeves were rolled up, blue jeans and a beige apron on. the female had green emerald eyes with peach colour lips, she nodded to the principal and turned her attention to you. she crouched down to you, "hello, my names mrs. ukai! what's yours little one?" she spoke, as you didn't answer and just admired her features. the lady sweat dropped and looked up at the principal with 'what would i do?' face, "her name is y/n- from what i heard from her mother, she doesn't talk a lot. not sure why but she doesn't" he said as mrs. ukai nodded

"wanna come with me?" she held out her hand to you as you looked at it and slowly reach out for it, she smiled as you did so and held your hand, walking to the front of the class. "ok everyone! can i have your attention please!" mrs. ukai spoke as the students quieted down and looked over at her and you. "we have a new student today!" she started, "would you like to introduce yourself?" mrs. ukai spoke looking down at you as you didn't answer and looked down at your white shoes. there was silence until mrs. ukai remembered you don't talk a lot. "o-ok then, everyone please be gentle and kind with her, alright?" mrs. ukai said

"we will!" everyone answered looking at you with a happy face as you glued your eyes to your shoes.


bread :p

lmao sorry for any mistakes i've done

date published: 12-04-21


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