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⊱second person pov⊰

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second person pov

‼️if someone is speaking and it's in italic then
they're speaking in korean
‼️if it's normal then it's japanese
‼️if it's i'm bold then it's in english


you held hands with your older brother as you both walked home, "what do you mean it was 'horrible'?" he asked looking down at you. "boys" you answered, "that's was the problem" you added as he was still confused

"i don't get it" he said, as he crouched down and picked you up, carrying you for the rest of the way back to your house. "well i'm the only girl in my table and all of them are weird" you exclaimed in japanese

"how so?" your brother questioned, "hmm, well after i told them my name they looked at me weirdly like they looked sick and— and then we wanted to play house and i said i will be the mom— and then they all started to argue so i left them and i went to read a book then keiji- i think that was his name, came and we read together before i feel asleep then— then i woke up and saw kenma and um— and uhh oh! satori hugging me to death, and— um i saw one of the boys who's name was uhh.. what was it? OH! it was kiyoomi! i think— and i feel asleep next to him because i— i was still tired and then i woke up by him alSO hugging me to death and uh-  yea" you explained the whole way to your house

"oh little sister, young innocent little sister, they fell in love with you!" your older brother spoke

"say whatttt?!"


"y/n! kento! dinner!" your mom called out as you dropped your toys and ran out of your older brothers room and down the stairs almost falling, you walked towards the living room and saw your dad. "DADDY!" you called running towards your dad who was working a bit on the dinner table, "hm? oh! angel!" he called out and picked up you up, placing you on his lap.

"how was school?" he asked you as your older brother, kento, walked towards the table and sat down. before you could reply to your dad your mom interrupted you, "talk later, hyun-woo, remove your stuff from the table" your mom spoke as your dad placed you down and cleared up the the table, you walked towards your seat and climbed onto the table

your mom the placed down the food as your mom sat down and you all thanked for the food before digging in, you sat in front of your brother and next to your mom, while your brother sat in front of you and next to your dad. "now, y/n how was your first day of school?" your dad asked in korean

"it was ok i guess" you answered as your mom handed you some edamame as you looked at it and stared at it before dropping your chopsticks and grabbed the edamames and ate them. "what do you mean it was ok?" your mom asked, "i dunno it was weird- i guess" you said continuing to eat your edamame

"weird? how so?" your dad asked but before you could explain again kento did, "seven boys fell in love with her" he said, "hey! i was gonna explain!" you whined

"seven?!" your dad repeated, "yep, seven" kento nodded and continued to eat. "you made friends?!" your mom exclaimed in excitement and teary eyes, "no- not really— whoa mama why you crying?!" you stood in your seat and cupped your mom's face, "i'm just happy you made friends!" she chirped, "but i didn't—"

"nah, the boys sees y/n more then a friend" kento laughed, "we aren't even friends!" you yelled at him, "sureee, they sure did look sad when i came to pick you up~" he replied back, "so?!" you yelled

"we are not friends! they're to weird!" you huffed and sulked back into your seat, "what do you mean by weird?" your mom asked

"well after i said my name they looked at me weirdly like they were sick or something then— then we wanted to play house and i said i will be the mom— and then they all started to argue so i left them and i went to read a book then keiji- i think that was his name, came and we read together before i feel asleep then— then i woke up and saw kenma and um— and uhh oh! satori hugging me to death, and— um i saw one of the boys who's name was uhh.. what was it? OH! it was kiyoomi! i think— and i feel asleep next to him because i— i was still tired and then i woke up by him alSO hugging me to death and uh-  yea that's it i think" you explain, again, as you thought for a bit as your dad was about to speak but you cut him off

"OH! and then shoyo's mom came to pick him up, he didn't go to her but hid under the table, near me and hugging my leg" you added as the table was quiet, "y/n you sure they were boys?" your dad asked, "mhm, they were" you answered, picking up your chopsticks and continued to eat

"ok, but seriously how do kids find love quicker?"


sorry for the short chapter :)

also sorry for the boring chapter :/

and sorry for any mistakes i made :D

date published: 26-04-21


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