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⊱second person pov⊰

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second person pov

‼️if someone is speaking and it's in italic then
they're speaking in korean
‼️if it's normal then it's japanese
‼️if it's in bold then it's in english


you looked at the hearts the boys made you and thought for a bit before speaking, "where did you get a picture of me..?" you questioned, looking at them. "sensei, had them" shinsuke answered with a smile.

"how did- how did she um get them?" you asked, as they all shrugged. 'ok now that's creepy' if you're also wondering on how mrs, ukai has a picture of you is because she had asked your and your classmates parents for a picture of their kid for this particular activity. you stared at the seven cards as the seven boys just smiled at you, staring at your pretty self.

"soooo...?" shoyo spoke up, breaking the silence as you looked at him. "so?" you repeated, confused. " 'so' as in sooo what do you think?!" he answered as they all waited for your answer

"uhm.. it's well- me..?" you said, "uh.. thanks" you thanked them and got up picking up the seven heart shaped cards and walked away. the boys watched as you walked away and looked at each other

"ok! why did YOU guys COPY ME?" satori spoke up as soon as you were out of sight, crossing his small arms in front of him, angry. "whoa, whoa, whoa! what do you mean I copied YOU?" rintarō pointed to satori, standing up from his seat, he too was angry.

"i mean i was the only one who was supposed to give her that!" satori answered, he too stood up and head butted each other. kiyoomi then sighed before speaking, "you both are stupid, you stole the idea from ME!" he crossed his arms as everyone looked his way but satori and rintarō who were still head butting each other.

"ha! they aren't even listening" kenma laughed, "but YOU are wrong my guy, YOU guys STOLE the idea from ME!" kenma frowned, pretending to feel hurt that his friend betrayed him.

"we stole it from you?" keiji laughed, "as if! you guys are to dumb to have an idea as amazing that soo you ALL stole it from ME!" keiji added, relaxing his arms behind his head as kenma's blood boiled.

"kiyoomi, definitely didn't come up with the idea since he hates doing anything messy!" shinsuke spoke up as his seat mate looked at him in shock, "i mean, you were even scared to touch the glue!" shinsuke laughed

kiyoomi gasped, "how dare you!" kiyoomi stood up and so did shinsuke, "i mean- it is true but i would touch something dirty for my beloved y/n!" the two then began to bicker with each other

you walked your way to your backpack and placed the seven cards inside one by one, reading what each one says. a small smile crept on your face as you closed your bag, as you did you dropped your smile as you realised your brother or mom looks in your bag after schools and they will definitely see the card.

'....they are gonna find it and annoy me with it!' you thought and whined, you sat down where you were and began to think of a way to find the cards from your family. after thinking and thinking it hit you..

no not the toy car hitting your leg, you had forgotten there was a secret pocket inside your bag, you found that your family doesn't know about. you stood up and opened your bag and picked up the seven cards, you then slowly placed the cards in the secret pocket. once you were done you closed up your bag and made your way back to the table.

as you were you thought to yourself, 'why did you save the cards?'

stopping in your tracks, you stood there and thought why you did.

after a good 10 minutes you shrugged and walked back to your table only to see, rintarō and satori head butting each other, both pushing hard to make the other one fall, kenma and keiji having a staring contest but with a angry face, shinsuke and kiyoomi roasting each other to make the other one cry.

you froze.


friends to enemies after meeting one girl.

can't believe you pulled them.

these were 'your' boys.


pursuing your lips you sighed and face palmed yourself before pinching the bridge of your nose. you looked at them again before noticing shoyo, who was unbothered by his friends fighting and staring at the ceiling with his mouth open, looking bored but still thinking of his love, smiling from time to time.

you walked up to him as he moved his head to the side to see who was there and his eyes widen when seeing you. before he could yell 'MY LOVE' you placed your finger on your lips, telling him to be quiet, not wanting the others to see you. he zipped his mouth and stood up, he took your hand and pulled you away from the others.



idk why i just love this oneand yes i made it 😚

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idk why i just love this one
and yes i made it 😚

i know i know this chapters short
BUT next chapter WILL BE BETTER!!

damn, i finally updated!

date published: 10-08-21


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