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⊱second person pov⊰

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second person pov


you were playing with the boys, what were you playing you may ask? well you guys was playing, house. by playing house i mean you sitting on the floor with a annoyed face while the seven boys argue with each other about who was gonna be the father since you were the mother. all you said was, 'i don't mind being the mommy' and that's when the arguing started. you looked at the clock then back at them, eventually you got bored of their arguing and stood up and walked towards the bookshelf.

you looked at the books before finding one that interested you, you took it and sat down on the beanbags and started to read it. by finding a book that 'interested' you, it was a picture book.

"NO! i'm gonna be the dad!" the orange haired male yelled, "said who?" the black curly haired male replied.

"i did!" shoyo answered, crossing his arms, looking away. "nu-uh! i am gonna be the dad!" the red head argued, "you all would be horrible dads! i would be the best!" shinsuke scold

"you guys are idiots! i. am." they look at kenma who had a angry face, "pfft! you? HAHA she'll divorce you in a second, i'll be your replacement!" rintarō smirked while everyone looked at him before they jumped onto him. they all started to physically fight as keiji signed at his friends and looked at the spot where you were supposed to be, just that you weren't there.

his eyes widen and looked around the room, his blue eyes then landed at your figure who was sitting comfy on the beanbag, reading a picture book. he looked back at his friends who was still attacking each other and smiled, he looked back at you before walking towards you.

"hi y/n!" he chirped as you looked up at him, "oh hii" you smiled a bit. "watcha doing?" he asked sitting next to you, "reading" you answered.

there was silence for a bit as you and keiji was reading the book, you were reading. as keiji looked at all of the pictures he waited for you to turn the page but instead felt something heavy on his left shoulder, he turned to see your head resting on it and your fingers letting go of the book as it was falling. he immediately took it out of your grip and then wrapped his left arm around you, he held the book with both hands then continued to read while smiling uncontrollably.

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