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⊱second person POV⊰

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second person POV

‼️if someone is speaking and it's in italic then
they're speaking in korean
‼️if it's normal then it's japanese
‼️if it's in bold then it's in english


"y/n!" mrs ukai called out to you as you lifted your head and looked her way, "your mother is here!" she spoke as you smiled and got up running towards mrs ukai. you ran towards your mom and gave her a hug, she lifted you up and took your bag from the peg and headed towards the door.

you looked behind her and waved at the others who were still waiting for their parents to pick them up- who were: atsumu, osamu, rintarō, kiyoomi and bokuto. they waved back before looking at each other,

"hey! she was waving to me!" bokuto frowned, "waving at you?" kiyoomi scoffed, "she was obviously waving to ME!" he crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking away. "yea right!" atsumu laughed, "she was waving to me!" he added, sticking his tongue out to them.

"NO SHE WASNT!" they then all started to argue as osamu and rintarō just sat there watching, "she was definitely waving at me" rintarō whispered, "EH? NO SHE WASNT!" osamu yelled, before they all- and i mean all started to fight each other

"oh lord.."


"mama?" you spoke, "yes my darling?" your mom answered your, "why didn't brother pick me up? he always does on wednesdays" you asked as she placed you in your car seat, buckling you up. "oh, he told me that he has a club" she answered you as you raise an eyebrow, looking at your mom.

she looked at you and sighed, "are you sure?" you questioned, "i am" she winked at you and closed the door walking to the drivers seat.

𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐎. ➸ 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘺𝘶𝘶Where stories live. Discover now