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⊱second person POV⊰

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second person POV

‼️if someone is speaking and it's in italic then
they're speaking in korean
‼️if it's normal then it's japanese
‼️if it's in bold then it's in english


your brother gave you a hug before waving goodbye and walked towards his school, you wore your inside shoes and greeted mrs ukai. "oh good morning y/n!" she smiled at you, you bowed towards her, "morning" you smiled, softly. you looked around and room and noticed kenma sitting on the bean bag, playing on his ipad, you didn't see anyone else and shrugged, walking towards kenma.

you walked towards him and sat down next to him, placing your head on his shoulder. kenma froze, unsure who the person was, he looked to the side and saw you, where he relaxed his body and continued playing on his ipad. you watched him play before yawning a few times, still sleepy. kenma noticed and thought for a bit before speaking up, "wanna play?" he asked

you opened your mouth to answer but he spoke for you, "i can teach you how to play" it was like he knew what you were gonna say, you lifted your head from his shoulder and looked at him as he passed you his ipad. you held it as he started to explain what each button does, just showing you the ways how to play, holding your hands.

kenma then let go of your hand as you started to play without his help, he watched as you played. the more he watched the sooner he realised you were gonna beat his high score, his eyes widen as his mouth dropped. kenma's eyes widen even more and his jaw dropped lower even more as he saw you past his high score and was still going!

kenma looked at you as you had a straight face on then back to the ipad then back at you, looking at you up and down his face still shock, kenma just froze from shock. the words 'you died' popped up on the screen, showing you had died and you frowned. you then turned around to give back kenma's ipad to him, so you could watch him play only to see him completely froze.

𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐎. ➸ 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘺𝘶𝘶Where stories live. Discover now