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⊱second person pov⊰

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second person pov


"okie dokie, y/n here is your seat!" mrs. ukai said as she showed you your seat, it said your name on the top of the desk. your name was in f/c and there was flowers around it, eh, it was ok for you- i mean they could have done better but you didn't say anything. you just nodded and sat down, the brown haired lady then left to get something. you watched as she walked over to her desk as your eyes went to the desk and slammed your head on it, scaring your desk mate on your left, and your desk mate in front of you, and his desk mate on his right, and your other desk mate on your right and his desk mate on his right, and your desk mate's desk mate and his desk mate on his left.

i re-read that i y'all probably don't understand- picture at the end :^

"are you ok?!" the desk mate in front of you asked, scared for you, you didn't answer and just stayed on the desk. "she obviously doesn't look ok shoyo" your desk mate spoke. there was silence as everyone on your table just stared at you for a few things.

one) you haven't spoken a word at all
two) you seemed tired
three) you slammed your forehead- hard on your desk when mrs. ukai left
four) you seemed different from the other girls in their class
five. you're pretty

ok maybe more then few but eh. mrs. ukai then came back and saw you resting your forehead on the desk, she blinked at you before placing down the colour pencils and colouring book. "y/n, are you alright?" she crouched down and placed her hand on your back. you looked up and looked at her, nodding. "you sure?" she asked, you nodded again. "ok then, there you go" she handed you the colour pencils and the colouring book, she placing it in front of you as you just looked at it. "if you need anything i'll be over there, ok?" mrs. ukai said as you looked at where she was pointing at and nodded once.

she then got up and walked to her desk and began to work on her computer, you then looked back at the colouring book and colour pencils. you rolled your eyes and pushed them away and once again, slammed your head on the desk. everyone on the table just watched you do so, wondering how the fuck is your forehead not broken yet. "doesn't that hurt?" one spoke, he had short black hair and blue eyes. you looked up and looked at him, lifting your head from the desk and just stared at him before shaking your head as a 'no'.

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