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A/N: So it was brought to my attention by a friend that I should add some more tiggers so-

TW: Torture(to an extent) Cigars, gambling
Hope this makes it better for certain people! :]


    I rested my body on a short wall hanging over a large pool of lava under the nether fortress. I sighed, knowing that I'd probably never be able to leave this blazing inferno. I've always heard stories about the overworld, and the end. I wonder what those places are like. Although, they seem like a mear fairy tail. I've never been out of the nether. My father, Bad, won't even let me go far from the fortress.
    It's so boring, being kept up in a castle all day. But at least I have my friends Dream and George. They'd never leave me.. Right...?


    "We have been at this all day Dream. You'd better tell me that knowledge. Right now." I yelled as I swung my axe in front of Dream's face. Dream, who had scars running along his face and arms, coughed up some blood and replied. "I- I'm never gonna give you what you want.." He chuckled, blood dripping from his face.
I yelled in annoyance and anger. And dragged my hands over my face, resting them behind my neck. "When I come back tomorrow you'd better tell me. Cause i'm not going to be as nice as I was today. Got it?"
I sighed And shouted to Sam that I was ready to leave. The lava slowly fell and the small platform leading to the other side of the prison. I stepped and was carried to the other side. After a while of going through the prison's defenses. We reached the room in which was holding my items. I picked them all up, put them in my bag and thanked Sam. He nodded back to me, a slight look of fear on his face. I brushed it off and walked through the portal to the outside of the prison.
I walked out of the corridor outside. I sighed once more and hopped on my horse. With intent to go to my casino to cool off.


I gasped as I fell out of the portal onto the floor. Where am I..? I asked no one. I weakly got up and sat on my legs, checking by satchel to make sure I had everything. My time goggles, my rings, and most importantly, my diary.
I looked through the pages. I never remembered much after traveling, but I always remember to check that book. Although, I never really knew why. I looked through all of the names and events, Sam, Puffy, the manberg war, Schlatt. I got to two pages with heavy bookmarks on them. I stared at the two pages. There were two names written in bold, Sapnap and Quackity. I smiled, thankful that I didn't forget about my fiance's. I put the book back in my bag and stood. Wondering where or what I should do next.


    I walked on the prime-path with my arms behind my head. Wondering what I should do while I waited for my fiance's to get back from, whatever it is they do. I furrowed my eyebrows. Now that I think of it, they didn't ever tell me what they're always doing when they're gone. I wonder what they're hiding.. I wonder if they still..- I shook my head and cleared my mind. No, they'd never do something like that to me. While I walked I mindlessly ran into Nihachu.

    "Oh jeez i'm sorry Nihachu, I wasn't watching where I was going.." I appologized. Nihachu looked up at me, "O-oh! It's alright Sapnap.." She replied with a weak smile, before quickly walking off.

    Nihachu didn't favor me. I could understand why. I used to help Dream in his escapades. No one really liked me for that.. Except Quackity and Karl... Puffy, Phil and Ghostbur too. Speaking of which, I should go find him, I had to ask him something. I quickly ran down the steps of the prime-path.

    "Hey! What do you think you're doing on my prime-path!" Tommy yelled from behind me.
    I stopped in my tracks, as the tall teenager walked over to me.
"You're not allowed here, you know that" he angrily spoke. I sighed and replied, "Listen I know your still mad at me for killing your stupid cow but-" "Mad?! No im beyond mad about that pal" He shouted pushing my shoulders, sending me back a bit.
I  regained my balance, as a small flame started to sprout from my head. Tommy backed up a bit, not wanting to get burned.

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