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TW: Mentions of Dissociation and Panic attacks.

Once we got back home, Quackity threw his bag of things on the ground next to the couch.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, I'll be right back.." Q sighed as he walked to the bathroom. The shirt he was wearing had small smears of blood on it, but I didn't say anything about it. He'd been coming home with these sorts of stains a lot lately. He'd also been smelling a lot like cigar smoke, which was very unusual for him considering that, that was something Schlatt used to do a lot. Smoke, that is.

    He never used to be away from home this often, and I was honestly starting to get worried. But who was I to complain, I'd been traveling a lot lately, so I barely got to spend any time with them. The in-between was also starting to get. Weird. To say the least. But I still had to travel, no matter the cost.

    I slightly frowned and walked to our bedroom. I changed out of my hoodie into a large t-shirt, and a pair of sweats. I flopped onto the bed and sighed. A little while later, Sapnap walked in and layed next to me on the bed. He scooted closer and wrapped his arm around my waist.
    "Sapnap, go change" I giggled.

    He shook his head and fell further into the pillow. I rolled my eyes and held his hand as we both fell asleep.


    I got out of the shower and put on my black sweatshirt and some joggers. I yawned and walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out some cereal. I looked at it for a moment, "nah" I whispered to myself. Placing the sugary flakes back in the fridge.

    I went over to the living room and turned on the tv. I lazily flipped through the channels. I finally found something to keep me occupied and threw my legs on the couch, resting my head on the armrest.

    I took my eyes off the tv for a moment. I kept thinking about that guy from earlier. Who sent him? and to my casino of all places. I started to think about what else the person who sent them could have been doing. What if they had sent them to the house? What if they had tried to kidnap Sapnap? Or Karl even?

    I widened my eyes as a small fear for my fiance's started to fill my head. I started breathing heavily. I don't know why I got so worried all of a sudden. I knew they were fine. They were- wait where were they? I didn't even go to check on them after I got out of the shower. I started to get up, but I pushed myself back down. "No they're fine.." I whispered trying to reassure myself.

     Multiple doubts started to swirl around in my head. What if someone poisoned them while I was gone and they were slowly dying? What if something bad happened and they're not telling me about it? What if Techno threatened them? What if...? What if...?

    I pulled my hands over my ears trying to drown the thoughts out, but they were too loud. I fell to my side and pulled my knees to my chest. I started shaking vigorously as I started to see silhouettes of people. A bunch of different figures flashed by my eyes. I whimpered louder and louder as I started hyperventilating. My eyes flashed around, as a flash of black horns went across my vision as a voice almost too familiar whispered in my ear, "Quackity.."


    I flicked my long elf like ears. I heard what sounded like whimpering. I looked around the bedroom and noticed that Q wasn't in the room with us. I slowly got up, trying my best not to wake Karl.

    I stretched and walked out of the bedroom and into the hallway. The whimpering got louder as I walked. Once I reached the end of the hallway, I saw Quackity laying down on the couch. His hands over his head. He had his knees curled to his chest, shaking. I slowly walked closer to the winged man.

    "Quackity, are you ok..?" I whispered in his ear. He quickly sat up, flaring his wings. And pointed a sharp silver and mahogany handled pocket knife to my throat.

    I quickly lifted my head so as to not get cut by the blade. Quackity's pupils were constricted, more than usual anyways. His face was full of fear. He took a minute of sitting like that before his pupils dilated back to their normal size, which were still quite small, as he dropped the knife to my feet and gasped.

    "I'm sorry- I'm so sorry I-" He scooted back into the couch. My ears bent downwards. "No, no. It's ok, it's ok" I whispered. I attempted to wrap my arms around Q, but he shoved my arms away and gasped some more.

    "Q, please, just let me-"
    "N-no.. Just stay away.." He heaved.

    I felt a flame start to grow on my head. Why was he being like this, he knows I only want to help him.

"I- I need to go for a walk.." Quackity mumbled as he shakily got up and walked out of the door, slamming it shut.

    I watched him walk out the door. My flames started to grow as I saw Karl out of the corner of my eye, "What happened...?" Karl said looking at me worriedly.

    "Nothing, it's nothing..." I whispered back to him, trying to hold back my tears.

    "Well if obviously something, Q doesn't just run out of the house out of the house like that over nothing Sap. I should go talk to him and-"

    Before Karl could finish his sentence, I ran to hug him. Tears flowing from my eyes. I started to slide down, we both fell to the ground. Karl started to cry with me.

    "Shh, everythings gonna be ok.."  Karl whispered in my ear, hugging me tightly. 

    I started to cry even harder as the flames on my head started to spread to my back. I opened my watery eyes and tried to push away from Karl not wanting to burn him. But he instead held me tighter. The tips of his fingers getting slightly charred. He continued telling me that everything was ok, drawing small circles on my back.

    My flames slowly subsided as I started to fall asleep again. My arms began to loosen around Karl as I fell asleep in his arms.

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