Chapter 14. February 11, 2014 Red tour London / hair cut Ellie Golding

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February 11,  2014

Red tour

London, England

Ellie Golding / haircut

(Taylor's perspective)

After my London show for the red tour everyone cheers saying how good of a show it was.

"That was so much fun!" Ellie said.

"Thanks Ellie for coming. The crowd went crazy when you walked out." K said.

"Thanks for inviting me."

"I think you would look cute with short hair." Ellie said.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yeah you should cut it. You would look good with short hair." Elizabeth said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." Elizabeth said.

"Okay. Let's do it." I said.

The word of me cutting my hair with the band and crew must have spread fast because now everyone is gathered around the room to watch my hair being cut.

"Wow I even gathered an audience for cutting my hair." I said and everyone laughed.

"We don't do anything without an audience don't we?" I asked and everyone laughed.

I take out my phone and record everyone around me,

"This is how many people are gathered around to see me get a haircut right now." I said and everyone cheers.

"Ready Taylor for your haircut?" Ellie asks.

"Yes," I said excitedly.

Ellie begins to cut my hair and starts cutting more and more until my hair was up to my chin.

Elizabeth gasps and smiles and hands me a hand mirror,

I gasp when I see myself and look at my hair more closely.

"I love it! Thank you Ellie." I said.

"Your welcome." Ellie said.

"What do you think of my hair?" I asked Elizabeth

"I love it! It suits you." Elizabeth said.

"I have to hide my hair from my fans for a bit. I want it to be a surprise." I said.

"Oh!" Elizabeth shouts and runs to grab a scarf and wraps it around my head.

"There they won't see if the paparazzi try's to get us when we fly back home." Elizabeth said.

"Great idea." I said making sure all of my hair is covered.

We take some pictures with my new hair with everyone until it got late and we had to fly back home.

Author's Note

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