Chapter 12. Feburary 6, 2014 US ambassador house

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February 6, 2014

London, England

US ambassador house

(Taylor's perspective)

We are in London for the tour and as we are driving through the streets of England I see on the map we are close to the United Sates Ambassador house.

"Can we go to the United Sates ambassador's building?" I asked my driver.

"Of course." The driver said and made a turn.

We arrive at the United States ambassador house and get out.

"Oh wow the building is huge." Elizabeth said.

"It is." I said.

"So this building represents The United Sates even though we are in England?" Elizabeth asks.

"Yes. There are other United Sates buildings in other countries as well." I said.

"Wow cool!" Elizabeth said.

"Oh before we go in I texted Ed and Cara to see if they were free to come with us inside and they are both on their way over now." I said.

"Ed and Cara are coming?! Yes!" Elizabeth shouts.

We wait outside for a few minutes until a car pulls up and Ed gets out of the car.

"Hi Ed!" I shout.

"Hi Taylor thanks for inviting me." Ed said comes up to hug us both.

"Oh and Cara is coming as well. She texted me saying she wants to come. I texted her right when we landed." I said

"Neat." Ed said.

"Are you excited to be in England?" Ed asks Elizabeth

"Yes! I'm so excited even though I'm tired." Elizabeth said and Ed laughed.

"You will never get over the jet lag no matter how many times you fly." Ed said.

We few minutes later Cara arrived, "Taylor! It's so good to see you!" She said and hugged me.

"Hi Cara it's been so long since we last seen each other." I said.

"It's been too long. So is everyone ready to go in?" I asked.

"Yes!" Elizabeth said.

We walked into the building and up to the front desk of a worker,

"Hello how can I help you guys today?" The woman asked.

"We were wondering if we can have a tour?" I asked.

"Oh of course! How many people?" The worker asks.

"Four." I said.

"Come this way." The worker said and gave us the tour.

The rooms and walls had lots of former presidents paintings on the walls and the furniture had the exact replica's of some of the furniture in the White House.

Once the tour was over we thanked the worker and stood by the door.

"So what now?" I asked.

"I have an idea." Ed said and went out and run back in with his guitar,

"How many chances do you get to sing and play guitar at a place like this?" Ed asks.

"Oh my gosh yes we have to sing something." I said.

Ed started to play the guitar and sing, Heartbeats by The Knife.

Taylor started to sing along as well and I took out my phone to record some of it.

They finished singing and Cara and I clapped, Taylor and Ed laughed.

"So what's for lunch?" I asked.

"Nando's?" Cara asked.

"Let's go." Taylor said and we walked out the door.


Author's Note

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