Chapter 9. January 17, 2014 grocery shopping

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January 17, 2014

Taylor listening to Panic At The Disco while shopping

Los Angeles, California

(Elizabeth's Perspective)

"I'm going to go get groceries." Taylor said

"Do you need me to go to help you?" I asked

"You can come and tell me what kinds of food you like." Taylor said.

"Okay." I said.

Once we get ready to leave we get into a black suv and go to Whole Foods. When we are walking out of the car in the parking lot Taylor put in her ear buds and listens to her music so no one bugs her while we are shopping.

As we are going down the aisles we get looks mostly everyone looking at Taylor and some looking at me some probably wondering why I'm with Taylor.

Lucky no one is bothering us and leaving us along thanks to Taylor's body guard Scott.

I go through the cereal section and pick out the flares I like and put them in the cart. Taylor puts all of the food she needs in the cart and it's getting quite full. 

Taylor changed the music on her phone and I see she is listening to Panic At The Disco.

Oh I hear their song on the radio on the way here. I like them.

I put more food that I like in the cart and we make our way over to the check out and I see a teenager my age look over at Taylor and I in shock.

The girl looks over at me and Taylor can't deciding to say hello or not because of Scott so close to Taylor.

Taylor and Scott get in line to pay for the foods and I still look over at the girl holding her phone in her hand.

"H-hello Elizabeth. So sorry to bother you but can I get a picture with you and Taylor?" The girl asked.

"I'm not sure if Taylor can take a picture right now at the moment but you can take a picture with me." I said.

"Really!? Thank you!" The girl said happily.

I take a selfie with the girl and we talk for a bit. The girls name is Emily and she has been a fan of Taylor since she was a little girl. Emily asks me how I got to live with Taylor and she is happy for me at how much better my life is now.

"You made a new friend I see." we hear Taylor say and the girl gasps and looks at Taylor in shock.

"This is Emily and we have been taking about how big of a fan she is." I said.

"I've been a fan since I was six." Emily said.

"Wow. Thank you for being a fan for so long. You want a picture?" Taylor asks.

"Oh my gosh. Yes please." Emily said.

Scott takes Taylor and Emily's picture and also with me as well. Emily thanks us once again and leaves.

We leave and go back to our car but we see some paparazzi and they begin to take our pictures. Taylor puts ear buds in her ears to ignore them so they begin to ask me questions.

"Why did Taylor pick you out of everyone else?"

"Are you going to become a musician like Taylor too?" He asks.

"Um i haven't thought of that. Maybe." I said.

"When is the first single coming out?" The man asks again.

I laughed, "I have to write the song first."

"Have you been in the studio before yet?" The man asks again.

"No but hopefully soon. Bye guys we have to go." I said as we got closer to the car.

Once we got in the car Taylor took out her ear buds, "We have all the groceries?" Taylor asks.

"Yes Taylor they are all in the back." Scott said.

"Thanks Scott you are always so helpful when we are out." Taylor said.

"That is what you pay me for." Scott said joking.

"Well technically yes but you do so much more to help with the paparazzi. Thank you I thought they would push trying to ask me weird questions. Wait I think they where talking to Elizabeth more. What did they say to you?" Taylor asks.

"They just asked when my music is coming out." I said and laughed

Taylor laughed as well, "That would be cool. Have you ever written any songs before?" Taylor asks.

"No but thankfully I have a great teacher now to help me." I said as we make our way back home.


Author's Note

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