Chapter 10. January 21, 2014

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January 21, 2014

Shopping at Whole Foods

Las Angles, California

(Taylor's perspective)

"I'm going grocery shopping! Want to come with?" I asked.

"Can I pick out food that I like?" Elizabeth asked

"Yes. Go get ready while I call Dave to come pick us up." I said.

"Okay." Elizabeth said and went down the haul.

Elizabeth comes back downstairs with her purse ready to go and we step out of the house. When we get to the store, lucky no paparazzi is here yet.

"Can I pick out some food?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes you can pick out what ever food you like." I said grabbing a cart.

My security guard Jake follows us close behind as I put on earbuds listening to music. As we go down the aisle Elizabeth puts whatever food she likes in the cart.

We walk down the next aisle and see a mother with a young daughter. She gasps and looks at her mom to say something exactly. The little girl walks up to me and I take out my ear buds,

"Hello Taylor! Can I get a picture with you?" The little girl asks

"Sure sweetie." I said and the mother takes out her food and takes our picture.

"Thank you. She adores you so much." The mother said.

"Thank you for listening to my music." I said.

The mom and child walks away and Elizabeth comes back,

"Oh can I also get this iTunes card?" She asks.

"Oh can you get me one as well." I said.

"Okay." Elizabeth said and goes to get another one.

Once we finished shopping we pay and walk out of the store. Elizabeth helps carry some of the bags and Jake helps as well. I look in the parking lot and see a man with a camera.

Ugh the paparazzi.

Lucky the man doesn't say any weird questions as we get to the car. Jake opens up the car and we quickly get inside.


Author's Note

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