Chapter 8 - Those teary eyes

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Brendon's pov:

"Don't go away." Ryan picks up the phone and hands it over to me.
I stare at him in shook and mouth
"I should talk to them about your dad? Sure?"
He just nods. His face is pale and he is scratching his palm with his nails.
I'm scared as fuck, but apparently he is even more nervous than I am.
"Hello? Do I speak with Ryan Ross?"
it's Dr. Zachery's voice that's coming out of the receiver.
I take a deep breath (Inhale. Exhale.).

"No, I'm Brendon, uhm, his boyfriend.",
Ryan and I exchange a quick look, he strokes my hand in kind manner,
"Yeah, and he asked me if I could talk to you. It's a very sensitive topic, you know."
It's silent for a few seconds, then Dr. Zachery continues.
"Alright. So, I have bad news. I'm sorry to inform you that Mr. Ross's organs are highly damaged. Yesterday, he was in a very fragile condition, so we needed to put him into an artificial coma.
You should know that his situation is concerning, but not entirely hopeless.
At the moment, we can't even say if his organs will ever repair themselves, maybe he will need an organ donation."
Every word cuts like a knife into my stomach. How should I tell Ryan this?
He looks so frantically that I get the feeling that he has already figured out how bad the news are.
"Okay. Anything else that we should know?"
"Yes. You can visit Mr. Ross, but I recommend to refrain from that. It could be traumatizing for his son, and he probably can't hear anything, at least not intentional. But if you two got any questions, always contact me.
Mr. Ross's case is very difficult for all concerned, and it's important that you explain his son that he can get psychological support if he needs to.".
I'm feeling dizzy, I just want this phone call to come to an end.
"I understand. I'll tell him. Thank you, Mr. Zachery."
"Mr. Urie?" Suddenly, the doctor's voice sounds much more warm than before.
"I'm sorry for your boyfriend. May god save you both."
Overwhelmed by his sudden wave of anticipation, I quickly end the call and direct my attention towards Ryan.

This conversation surely is one of the most difficult ones in my life.
Ryan takes the news surprisingly calm.
He just nods or lets out a shattered breath from time to time.
As I'm finished with telling him everything, we both just cry in silence, my body draped so close next to his that we literally unite into a single human being.

The weeks come and go, October passes like a lengthy nightmare.
Ryan's dad suffers, which then again leads to Ryan suffering and I myself suffer from seeing him suffer.
The whole mood is not at the very best, as you probably can imagine.

It's almost halloween as I finally have an idea on how to make Ryan feel better.
Well, it's not exactly me that has the idea.
It's more that I get inspired by somebody else's idea.
I'm absolutely sure that a nice party will help Ryan to just forget all his concerns and worries for a night.
See what helpful boyfriend I am?

Even if it's just for one night, some fun can't be bad, right? I'm not really the type of a guy that walks from one party to the next, but I experienced two or three really good ones and from that I've come to the conclusion that loud music, some weird games and a bit of booze can lift up your mood. Trust me on this one.

And what's a better place to stay at for Halloween than at our dearest friend's house - at Solace's of course! Will and Nico are some of the nicest people I've got the pleasure to meet. Okay, I don't know that many people... well, just imagine, 'kay?

"Hey, uh, Ry?", just checking if he's in the mood to talk or if he's having a phase where he doesn't talk the whole day. It happened a few time this month now. But everything takes it's time, I don't want to get him stressed out.

But to my amazement he answers "Yeah, what's up?". His voice doesn't even sound that shaking like it did yesterday, maybe he's hiding his feelings? Or he slowly gets over the past month? I shouldn't specualte about someone's deepest feelings, as this can go terribly wrong.

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