Chapter Twenty Three

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Happy Sunday? Sorry for any typos. I am half asleep but I needed to finish this up before I sleep! Please please please remember to vote and comment!

"That is your fourth cigarette since we've been out here, are you okay?" Veronica was concerned but extremely amused at my anger and annoyance towards Freddie and Pasha, who hadn't stopped the PDA since she first stepped into the studio.

It had been so many hours that Veronica and I were now on the balcony of Freddie and Roger's building while everyone else was in their flat, having a good time, drinking and chatting away.

"How obnoxious. He just left Mary, it's been what? A month? And he's already this far with her? I can't believe him! Ugh!" I swung my hands around dramatically. Yes, I was drunk, but more than anything, I was pissed.

"Yeah, yeah, this is all about his break up with Mary, not the fact that he told you that the two of you had to stop and now he's with some other chick. Totally just about Mary. You know, I didn't think you'd get this hung up over a kiss. Fred must be an amazing kisser." She puffed on her cigarette, laughing as a large cloud of smoke left her lips.

"Oh Veronica. It wasn't just a kiss! He fingered me against that wall!" I exclaimed, pointing at the wall right next to the door. I didn't give a damn if he said Veronica could know or not. Fuck what Freddie wanted.

"Holy shit, Clarissa!" Her eyes grew wide as she whipped her head in the direction of where I was pointing. When she turned to face me again, her hand was covering her mouth and she was laughing. No, not laughing, cackling. She was cackling at my misery, and I almost wanted to join her.

"What the hell! When did this happen?!" She jumped up and down, laughing excitedly at the new found information.

"That night! That's when he gave me the hickey! What a jerk, he probably did it just to make things harder for me. Oh God! I hate him, I hate him and his stupid games so much! Who is she? Who is she?! Why have none of us heard of her before? Why is she here?" Wow, I needed to calm down, this wasn't how I would react if I were sober.

I didn't care. Freddie wasn't my romantic problem, I should've been grateful.

"Hey, I've heard of her before. She paints with him. They've known each other for years. How was it?" She now sipped from her beer, clumsily. She wasn't as drunk as I was, but she was getting there.

"I don't know, you ask him how painting with her was." I rolled my eyes, reaching to light another cigarette before Veronica grabbed it from my hand.

"Wow, wow, wow. Lung cancer. Oxygen is important. And how was the fingering, dumb ass?" She lit my cigarette for herself.

What a hypocrite. She smoked twice as much as I did.

"It was fine." No it wasn't, it was amazing. It was more than amazing, it was perfect.

"Just fine? Well, how did it happen, who initiated-"

"You girls done? You've been out here for twenty minutes." Brian cut her off as he opened the door leading to the balcony. Veronica was sober enough to know that she had to keep quiet as soon as that door opened.

"Yeah, girl talk, leave." Veronica tried to wave him off but he shook his head.

"We're waiting for you to get back so we can play twenty questions." Brian laughed and made his way over to us.

"Twenty questions?" Why did that sound so familiar.

Oh! It was the game that Fred and I played while Roger and Brian were asleep on the couch. He said that if you didn't want to answer a question, you had to take a shot. We didn't have shots that night, so we each got to skip two questions. That was the night that everything started going downhill between Fred and I.

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