Chapter One

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"I don't know, I have so much work to do by Monday." I sighed into the telephone, my eyes drifting to my empty desk as a small smile played at my lips.

This was the first weekend where I actually didn't have any work to do and I was looking forward to a nice quiet night at home. I heard an obnoxious sigh from the blue eyed boy I'd only met a few days prior.

"Oh come on, it's a Friday night. Surely you can spare a few hours away from your studies."

He really wasn't getting the message, and would continue to beg until I gave in. I tapped my fingers against my knees, averting my eyes towards my bedroom door.

What would I even wear?

"I'll introduce you to my band mates and you can get to know them, you'll love them." He said after a few seconds of silence, his voice was nagging, almost whiney as I let out a small laugh.

"Roger, I barley know you as is." I closed my eyes, trying to remember what he looked like, but all I could remember was golden hair and a very colourful, silly hat.

I do know that he was possibly the most attractive boy I'd ever seen in my twenty years on earth. Maybe I could swing by and watch them perform a song or two, and then return home for that bubble bath I had promised myself.

"Let me think about it."

"Great, I'll have one of my mates pick you up around six, you're at number 37 of the green building, correct?" My mouth dropped open and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

This damn boy.

"Roger, I haven't agreed to thi-"

"37 it is." He interrupted, "See you tonight, Larissa."

"It's Claris-" Before I could correct him, the line went silent.

I frowned, staring at the phone before placing it back down on the small coffee table. He clearly did not know how nervous I was when it came to meeting new people, especially since I didn't even know him yet.

I walked towards the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water before taking a sip. My drink would have to be much stronger to get my nerves to calm down.

I quickly came up with a plan to leave my flat and head over to my dad's house, just to make sure no one was home when this friend of his would come to pick me up. That, however, was when I reminded myself that I would rather crawl to the fiery pits of hell before even attempting to have a civilized conversation with my step mother, or as I like to call her, Cruella De Vil.

I rolled my eyes, dumping the rest of my water into the sink before looking up at the clock. I had exactly two hours to mentally prepare myself before his friend would show.

Walking into my room, I gazed at the small picture of George Harrison that was stuck to my mirror. I would hop into a car and meet his band members any day without a second thought. I smiled to myself, opening my closet before spending the next two hours ugly crying while trying to find a pair of pants that didn't look old and ratty.


I sat quietly in the passanger seat of yet another stranger's car, my hands folded on my lap as I stared out of the window, large patches of snow lining the roads. My thick coat barely protected me from the icy weather, the winter of 1969 was one of the coldest I'd ever experienced.

"- so yeah, now they have a new vocalist in my place, but Fred's a friend. He's good, but I bet they'll come crawling back as soon as they hear this single I'm working on with my new band." The brown haired boy scoffed, a smug smile on his face.

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