Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hello :) this is just a little chapter! I didn't want to have this bit in the next, full chapter, but it was still important to share! I'm so sorry for how dramatic things are, but I hope it's at least entertaining!

Please remember to heart and comment! It makes me so happy!

Aaand, I'm curious to know... What has been your absolute favourite part of the story?

I adore you guys! Happy reading! :)


We stared at each other for what felt like hours, not moving from our intimate position. Eventually his breathing returned to normal, while mine remained slightly erratic.

I couldn't believe how fast the course of the day had changed. When I woke up that morning, I never thought I'd run into Veronica, and I certainly never expected to be here, with him, like this.

My arms loosely hung from his shoulders, I was dazed by what we'd just done. My legs were still shaking around him, and his hands were placed flat again the couch, his eyes not leaving mine for even a second.

It all happened so fast, and by the shocked expression on his face, I could tell that he was as bewildered as I was. It really happened. I really spent a month and a half away from him, just to have sex with him in the same room where it all started, months earlier.

"Do you- do you want me to finish you off?" He spoke quietly, as if someone would hear us if he raised his voice above a quiet mumble.

His lips pressed to my shoulder, placing kissing along it as his hands settled back on my thighs, caressing my skin, "I can use my mouth, make you feel good too?" He mumbled into my skin.

He moved his right hand up the inside of my thigh, and I quickly dropped my hand between us, grabbing his wrist to stop him.

"I... don't think I can. It hurts, a lot." I whispered. Now that I was no longer distracted by his bliss, I was aching.

He paused his movements and nodded, slowly removing his hands from my legs before twisting them around me, bringing me close to his chest.

I couldn't quite read his expression. He seemed tired, relieved, and terrified all at the same time. The same bittersweet feeling crept it's way into my heart when he lowered his face, planting a kiss against my temple.

I glanced down, staring at his chest as he continued to pepper my face with soft, slow kisses. He was being so gentle, so sweet after the scariest thing I'd ever done.

When I raised my head to look at him again, he smiled at me slightly. His hand wiped the hair from my face before he leaned down, pecking my lips for just a second.

I'd never seen him so affectionate towards me before. Every time anything happened between us, it was feuled by lust. He must've known how big of a deal this was to me, he was so careful, so gentle now.

"Is it okay that this happened?" He asked me.

I nodded hesitantly, "I think so." My voice was nearly gone once again.

He noticed my hesitation.

His expression was changing as he looked down at me, the softness behind his eyes slowly draining as he watched over every single one of my features.

"Well, then I guess that's it, isn't it?" Suddenly, he was frowning at me. I couldn't tell if he was angry, or extremely disappointed.

My heart dropped at the thought that he might be disappointed in me. I swallowed when his arms dropped from my body, awkwardly lifting my arms from around his shoulders as he took a step away from me.

I quickly got off the couch, wincing when I took a step forward. He had his back to me already, adjusting and zipping up his trousers while I grabbed my clothes from the floor. I held the material to my chest, staring at the back of him as he ran his hands through his wild hair.

How did the entire mood switch so drastically?

There it was... The inevitable dread. I think he could feel it too. My eyes began burning as I stared at him, unable to move.

My stomach dropped when I imagined what he could've been thinking.

"Oh my God," I cried, not meaning to actually say the words out loud.

He turned around the second he heard my voice, his frown quickly disappearing from his face as he walked to me, "Clara-"

"You regret it, don't you?" Somehow, the thought of him regretting being with me was more humiliating and heartbreaking than anything else I'd ever experienced with him.

"What? No, no, no. I don't-" He stepped up to me, grabbing ahold of my shoulders as he worrily looked at me. "I promise I don't regret that. I told you, I told you I've wanted it for so long-"

"But now that it's happened, you seem disappointed. I don't want you to be disappointed, I-"

"No." He shook his head, shaking my shoulders lightly to get me to calm down and shut up, "No, God. I'm not disappointed, not in the slightest." He removed a hand from my shoulder, pinching the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes for a few seconds. 

He must've been so sick of my constant crying. Or maybe he was trying to stop himself from doing the same.

"I'm fucking gutted that you're about to leave and I said I wouldn't fight you on it." The room fell silent after he reminded me of what we agreed to. "I said I wouldn't fight you on it." He repeated after a minute, clenching his eyes shut even tighter as his face twisted in brief anger.

He was angry at himself for making that promise.

My eyes lowered to the clothes in my arms, more tears spilling from them. I could feel the early stages of an awful headache brewing. I'd cried way too much in one day.

"Have you decided that this is it? Are you just going to leave and pretend that none of this happened?" When my eyes found his, they were watery again, and he was trying to fight back a frown, but eventually, it settled prominently on his face.

I knew that he was wishing, hoping, maybe even praying that what we did would've changed my mind. I wished it had.

"Nothing about our situation has changed, Freddie. I-"

As soon as the words left my mouth, he pulled away from me, turning his back on me once again.

"Please don't turn away from me." I whispered.

"Why not? You're turning away from me. You made your choice, Clarissa." He hesitantly stepped closer to the door and then back towards me a few times, clearly trying to decide what to do next.

He was furious, perhaps even heartbroken.

What an absolute mess.

He didn't even glance at me for a second, he just simply went still for a minute.

I then watched in slow motion as he walked to the door and opened it.

"No, no, wait! Please-" I begged, but he didn't listen.

He left the door wide open as he stepped out, leaving me all alone, naked and sobbing as I heard his footsteps trail towards the exit of the large, empty building.

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