whispers of truth

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Thousands come and go the castle in an attempt to get in good with the Demon King to achieve deals without consequences. Thousands die trying.
As annoying as low level demons and desperate mortals annoyed the King, but he found interest in their stories. Tales from beyond the walls of his Palace and kingdom.
"Winds whisper of a new researcher who has never hurt or tortured for his findings. They say he's a Pines boy and-"
"The winds say this do they?" the king asks, he cup is pointed ear in a sarcastic way, "I hear the winds say nothing. Do you claim to be able to do that which I cannot?" he asks, more in a rhetorical fashion.
"No, my King" the mortal informant bows low, "I just mean there have been rumours I thought may interest you of a Pines-"
"Silence!" he bellows loud enough the walls shake and the man falls to the ground, "The only Pines left living is the deadbeat fool twin of a man I push into the next realm for betraying me. Do you wish to join him?" the King's eyes glowed a dangerous gold.
"No-no my lord..."
"Then go. And never mention that name without enough proof the fill a room ever again."
The mortal scurries off and the king sighs, dropping into his thrown. "No Pines are alive that I do not know of."

"Dip-Dip! Come on!" A young woman squeels, grabbing her brother's hand and dragging him to the house.
"Mabel! Slow down!" he shouts, but is ignored.
Her brother had just returned from a trip to the blood forest yesterday and was hoping to just spend the day resting outside in the sun. His twin sister had different ideas.
"You're finally home, we have to celebrate! If you hurry up I'll let your bore me with all the new note you have!"
Dipper sighs, quickening his pace to keep up. They enter the house, unaware of watching eyes...
"Come on kid, so tell us. How did you survive? Surely someone as scrawny as you would have been gobbled up" his great uncle teases when they sit to eat.
"I reasoned with her is all. These beings have long been over due a therapy session in my opinion."
Mabel laughs, "So are you, brother."
"I'll write to the doctor tomorrow, I promise."
"Sureeee and you'll bring me back a unicorn form your next adventure."
Dipper could never lie to his sister, she saw through him like church glass.
"So, how long are you staying this time?" Stan asks.
"Until I have the supplies and maps I need for my next trip. I plan on heading to the foggy marshes to research a rare type of Syren next month with a group."
"Ooo, sounds spoookyyy" Mabel laughs, pretending to be a ghost.
Dipper smiles, "You bet. I'll pick you up some of those rare herbs while I'm there Grunkle Stan."
"Thanks kid."
For the past thirty years Stan has been trying to find a way to open a portal the the next realm to find his own twin brother- to no luck yet. But his grand-nephew's research was helping him get closer and he couldn't be prouder of the kid. Even if he didn't show it much.
"It's getting late and I'm still exhausted, I'm going to have an early night." Dipper excuses himself and heads up to the attic with a candle.
His bag was still packed from his trip, he hadn't even taken out his books yet. It had been a long trip and- as to be expected from these expeditions- two men were lost. Another researcher he'd met once or twice and a hired muscle he couldn't mourn for after all his comments and ignorence.
Dipper lay in his bed, closing his eyes as he tried to put all of it to the back of his mind.

Something was wrong.
Dipper opened his eyes but everything was still black. He felt a blindfold around his eyes, the fabric scratching his face. He felt he was in motion and the clacking noises sounded like a horse's carriage.
His head ached with every bump and he groans.
"So you're awake!" a gruff voice speaks, "You nearly cost me my good way with the King. Now he's bound to do a deal with me." the man makes a click with his  tongue and the horse speeds up.
"Please, you have to let me go! I don't know what King you serve but I assure you, you're mistaken. I'm just a low researcher. I have nothing of use to any man, king or not." Dipper pleads.
"Oh. My king is no mere man..." Dipper could practically hear his capture grin and he feels the fear start to set in.
He tries to move but feels resistance and the sound of chains.
"What have you gotten yourself into Dipper..." He mutters to himself.

He'd been forced to stand and walk for a little while now. He knew there were in some vast building as his footsteps and chains echoed in the halls. Occasionally he heard whispers and mutters, the sound of rushing feet. Maybe he'd been taken by traffickers? It was common for thugs to raid villages for people to sell on the blackmarket. But then what had his capture ment?
"A little further now, and I'll be jn so good with the King I'll become one of him."
One of him? What was this man going on about?
Dipper hears two doors open and he's pushed inside.
"King Cypher! I come with a gift."
Oh shit.

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