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"So, not your first time?"
Dipper spins around. The king was sat relaxed on a chair by the unlit fire. Dipper hadn't heard the door open, so how did he get in?
Dipper shakes his head in response to the King's question.
"Shame, I'd of love to be your first~ But, that sounds like an interesting tale, why don't you tell me?" he pats a seat next to him and the fire sets itself aflame.
Dipper takes a seat on an arm chair a little away from the King, who frowns but doesn't say anything else.
"It's not an interesting story..."
"Please, not everyone can say they survived a Demon taking them" the king grinned, exposing his sharp canines which reflected the flames slightly.
"Well, I was a child. I was playing in the woods with... Myself by our... My home. The wind picked up and storm cloud rolled in faster then we'd ever seen," Dipper closes his eyes as he remembers,"We ran for shelter but I wasn't fast enough. I feel this surge run through me. I don't remember, but I'm told I was struck by lightning and then disappeared. When I woke up, I wasn't home anymore." He opens his eyes, he didn't even realise he'd started to cry. Dipper wipes his tears.
"Three days later I got free and now it's happened again." He says quickly.
"So," Bill moves closer, "Three days is the time to beat." He suddenly vanishes into a puff of gold smoke and Dipper just stares.
He felt more glad he hadn't told the King everything now because, three days for him had been three years for everyone else...
Bill found himself tearing through his library trying to find a book on any sky Demon that kidnaps children, but comes up empty.
The flame of his candle reflects off a glass case, the journal inside taunting him with its secrets all being written in illegible code.
Bill leans against the case, the six fingered hand inside reflecting his frustration back at him.
"You would know, wouldn't you sixer? You're so selfish to keep all that information to yourself. But don't worry, I'll find someone who can read your scratch soon enough. Then, I'll get back what you stole."

Dipper emptied his bag out, organising his belongings into draws and shelves. He had much more space then he had things.
He picked up his research book and began to write everything that seemed of value and then got out his diary to write everything else.
Today was by far one of the weirdest days of his life so far. One of though. At least the King hadn't fallen in "love" with him.
That happened twice before with mortal Kings from other kingdoms. Those were pretty weird days too. But surely this king was only trying to make a point. In three or four days time, he'd be let go and could return to his life. All he had to do was keep this King happy until then.
Night was starting to take over outside, Dipper knew he'd need rest and strength. It's been a while he'd had to survive this, but he also knew he could do this.
The bed was soft and warm, it didn't take long for sleep to cover him.
He dreamt of a forest, forever on going in every direction. He was stood in the middle of a clearing, his parent's house not too far away. He starts walking towards it, but he hears a crack of thunder.
No. No no no no!
He runs, rain pouring down on him. No matter how hard he tried, he could barely move. His feet start getting caught in the mud. He tries to call out but his voice fails him.
A strike of lightning hit close by.
And again.
Again and again, all around him over and over.
Inside he's screaming but still no sound. Drenched and muddy, he feels his whole body shake.
He sits up violently, still screaming. His eyes open and he's no longer in the forest. He's in a room.
His heart was beating so loud he could hear, he rushes to the bathroom just in time to vomit in the toilet.
He sits there for a while, trying to breath.
He washes his mouth out and splashes cold water on his face, calming his nerves slightly.
When he goes back to the room he realises what happened. A storm was raging just outside his window, a clash of thunder makes him jump.
"Hey, hey, hey." Dipper looks up, he wasn't alone.
The King was approaching him, a look of worry over his face.
A guard was also stood at the open door looking pitifully at the man.
Dipper curses under his breath, they must thing him so pathetic now...
"Here," the king hands Dipper some mint leaves to take away the taste, he chews and spits out the pulp like tobacco into a bin.
"What happened Pinetree?"
"Pinetree? That's a weird name. Where did you get it from?" Dipper asks, trying to change the subject.
"No no descrect subject hopping please."
Dipper sighs, "My name is Dipper."
Bill raises an eyebrow, "No it's not. I have your documents, remember? Who would even call their kid that. They obviously didn't love them. Your name is ma-" Dipper puts a hand to Bill's mouth, "Please don't. Everyone calls me Dipper."
Bill pulls down Dipper's hand, "Why?"
Dipper pulled the hair over his forehead down more and shrugs.
"Well... My name is Bill. No one calls me that, but you can be a first." He smiles at Dipper, "Now, tell me what happened."
Another bolt of lightning strikes the ground and causes Dipper to jump and Bill puts it together.
"I see... Come on. You can stay with me for the night."
"That's really not necessary. I'm fine."
Bill gives Dipper an unbelieving look, "I heard you from my room. I thought someone was trying to kill you, violently. You're not fine and I'm not leaveing you. King's orders."
Dipper reluctantly nods.
Bill takes his hand and suddenly they're in a new place. The gold smoke clears and Dipper sees its a bed room.
It was twice the size of his own and ten times as extravagant.
Behind the bed was a large triangle window which was outside, the storm still having a monstrous hold. The glass fades to black and Dipper's fear turns to shock. "What just..?"
"For your comfort" Cypher says. He leads Dipper to his bed, "Lay down now. I promise I'll protect you. Nothing can harm you while I'm here."
For some reason Dipper trusted everyone word that left his lips. He lays down, closing his eyes and feeling safe.
Typical, the only time you feel safe is in one of the most dangerous places. The bed of a Demon king.

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