back at the castle

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Like a starving man, Bill couldn't help but watch Pinetree as the researcher washed the blood from his face. The water ran down his body, and this time he knew it was no dream. The scare from Bill's bite was clearly visible on the researcher's lower neck. Somehow that made it harder for him to tear his eyes away.
He wanted to ask what he really was like when his beloved Pinetree nursed him back to health. However, the part of the King's brain that didn't want know was stronger.
"Are you going to stare at me all day or what?" Pinetree announced. His eyes were locked to the king's. He obviously didn't like being here.
"I choose or what" Bill grinned, but I was a false cocky remark. He hated that Pinetree looked so uncomfortable and on edge. He probably thought Bill wouldn't let him go again; in trust Bill wanted to keep him here forever. That wasn't an option though. Not if he ever wanted Dipper to not hate him.
Dipper looked back down to the water, washing his face and a familiar haunting voice crept into Bill's mind.
"You have him now. Keep him here, forever. You're a king. You deserve whatever you want. You deserve him. Don't let him leave-"
Bill shook his head and sighed, he looked up and Dipper was staring at him, his brown furrowed.
"Did you just feel something?" He asked with a serious tone, much like how he felt with the other researchers.
"I- whatever do you mean?"
"Grab him. Force him to stay. Lock him up. If he resists, kill him. Capture his soul. Force him to stay like you want to.
Dipper picks up his sword, "Something is wrong." He says so quietly.
"Get him before he gets you or runs. Act now! Now now now now now!"
Bill clenches his hand, his nails digging into his hand until hot blood began to run down it. "How so?" Play it cool Bill...
Dipper's eyes locked to Bill's hand before snapping back to his eyes, "You feel it. What are you hiding?" He draws his sword up to defend himself from Bill of need be.
"He's going to attack you. Take him out first. If he's dead he'll be yours forever. Be a strong king."
The wind outside suddenly picks up, "Bill, you better have an explanation."
"Kill him. Kill him. Kill him now!"
Bill lowers his head, "the voice just won't shut up." He whispers.
Dipper lowers his sword, "what is it saying?"
"You have to die. You can't leave. I need to kill you. Over and over. It won't stop." Bill's hands fly to his head, digging into his skull as if he could push the voice from his mind. Looking up, Bill expected to see Dipper arming himself again, instead he had pulled out his journal, flicking through it quickly.
"He's going to banish you. You need to act now!"
Dipper stops, reading through the page as fast as he can. "Okay, simple enough. Bill, go lay down." His eyes met Bill's again, this time gentle and filled with confidence.
He obeys.
"Don't do as he says. You're better then him. He should obay you" Bill looks worried to Dipper, he approached and stood by the bed, he was looking at the ceiling.
His back was to Bill but something about Dipper started to glow, literally. The soft blue light almost seemed to emanate from Dipper's face much to Bill's confusion.
Then Bill noticed it. In the corner of his room, clinging to the walls glaring at them.
The beast resembled a large vampire bat, but with an almost human face, but with a noes to match it's body. A grotesque creature to be sure. How did he never stop it before?
When it realised this clock was gone, it hiss and spat in their direction.
"Fuck, that's a big one. How long have you had that?" Dipper half shouts over the beasts noise.
"Tell him the truth and he'll know he has power over you. Kill him. Kill him." The voice chants.
"Since you left. The morning after, actually. I think. If that's what this voice has been."
Dipper nods. He still doesn't turn around.
The light fades and Dipper turns to Bill, "you trust me, right?" His eyes were earnest but Bill's gut still dropped. Did he?
He found himself nodding and his Pinetree draw a dagger to his throat. The blade slowly pressed into his neck, thick gold blood spilled down slowly from the shallow wound. He winced in pain questioning the trust he just placed in Pinetree's hands.

"He's about to kill you. Kill him first. There are thousands you can have. Choose another!"

A terrible screech came from the from the corner of the the ceiling, a winged bat like creature descended, the noes of a pig, eyes of a snake. It swooped down, claws first and swiped at the two- only to be instantly impaled by the sword Pinetree's other hand has been resting on all this. Something Bill only just noticed.

It let out a final cry before going limp on the iron.

"Nasty bug. These things feed off obsession and stress. Make you kill the one you love the most and then yourself- impersonating you for a while after. The longest I saw was ten years, the poor children didn't know they lost two parents in one night. Good thing your brothers left. One would be dead and the other offended he's not your favourite."

Bill nodded carefully, the dagger still to his throat, not that Pinetree seemed to notice as he examined the specimen before it exploded into dust.  He turned back to the king, only now sheepishly removing the dagger. "I should head home."

Bill's heart dropped, "but it's so late. You shouldn't travel at night." He rushed. Having him back here, feeling the pull again, he wasn't ready to let go.

"I will be fine. I should go home."

Forgot this was here. Idk what that voice in head plotline was eithersoi just kinda wrapped it up ig.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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