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Dipper gives Cypher a confused look, one that very much unbeknownst to himself, made him look even more irresistible to the King.
"I can go if that's what you mean?"
"No. No, this picture is too perfect for me to let you leave." He says, smiling slyly at him.
Dipper blushes, "What are you even talking about?" he grumbles taking an annoyed sip of coffee. This King was annoyingly spontaneous in his mood swings.
"Oh Pinetree, I think you do know what I mean." he places the food try on the ground and Dipper watches from the corner of his eye as he continues to drink.
Cypher makes his way closer to Dipper, closing the space between them quickly.
"Umm... Hello.." Dipper whispers, putting the coffee mug down on the bedside table.
Cypher was standing on his knees, so he had the height advantage over Dipper who was sat.
"You know, as the King, I can command anyone to do what ever I want" he speaks in a low voice that sends a shiver down Dipper's spine.
"Really?" he almost squeaks in response. Bill had leand down, their lips almost brushing as they spoke. He leans into Dipper's ear, "Really. How easy it is to get whatever I want..." He mutters, his hand now gently tracing up Dipper's body. His heart quickened and he didn't know if he want to push Cypher away or pull him closer.
"I'm- I'm sure..."
Dipper feels Cypher's breath tickle his neck has he laughs quietly.
"Oh it is. But you know what I really want?" he asks, this time his lips just touching Dipper's neck.
"What?" he asks, almost without breath.
"For you to beg." Bill pulls away, sitting a little way off to marvel at the blushing mess he'd reduced Dipper to.
"I don't want to command you to do anything, because I know you'll be the one at my feet begging me. I'm sure." He grins and Dipper let's himself fall back on the bed, his arms covering his blushing face.
"tease..." He grumbles.
Bill laughs, "You tease me by simply existing. This is pay back."
"For existing?"
"Yes. If you didn't want this to happen maybe you shouldn't be so... Perfect."
Dipper groans again, grabbing a pillow and holding it to his face. "Fuck you."
Bill finches at hearing curse words come from such a pretty thing, "What the hell? I thought you'd be incapable of swearing."
Dipper sits up, all the blush gone from his face, he laughs, "Sure..." He rolls his eyes.
Getting out of bed, Dipper stretches and looks wearily at the still blacked out window. "Do you think it's over?" he asks.
Bill's eyes glow for a moment before he nods, "Yeah, but please, don't go yet." He reaches out but Dipper takes a step back, "Sorry your highness, I may be trapped here for now, but I'm a researcher. I have training to do. I have an expedition next month."
"And you think I'm going to let you leave for that?"
Dipper nods, "One way or another."
Bill gives him an odd look, what does that mean? But a knock comes from the door.
"My King, you have an audience awaiting your arrival."
Bill groans, "I will be right there. Send in a guard for Pinetree!" he yells in response.
The same guard whom Dipper remembered from last night enters, standing at attention.
"Take him wherever he wants but keep him close, and if anything happens to him-" Bill summons an orb which showed a village from above, "They a die and you're on clean up."

Rooting around in his bag, Dipper finally found what he was looking for.
The room he was supposed to stay in seemed so much colder then Bill's. It was odd how company changed the feeling of places...
He pulls out a sword and scabard, sliding them into the right place of his belt.
"Are you competent with a weapon like that?" the guard asks.
"Are the rivers of blood alive?" he asks sarcastically but upon seeing a confused expression wash over the Knight, he clarifies himself. "Yes, very much so. I want to train. Do you have some kind of area for that?" he asks.
"Yes. But, are you sure that's wise? Maybe you aren't as skilled as you think..."
Dipper allows his expression to become serious, forming what he called his researcher face. "I have trained with this exact blade for ten years. I have gone to places only your nightmares could show and made it out with nothing other then this steel. I am more skilled then you will ever be. Now take me to where I wish to go, or I'll show you what I kill instead of demons." Dipper spoke clearly and harshly. He'd long ago mastered the art of talking with a commanding attitude. It was needed to survive.
Researchers often never did things his way, so when he goes on expeditions with others they don't always want to listen. Dipper fixed that.
The guard takes him down to the lower courts, lined with dummies and weponds.
Dipper started to train, working on his form and attacks. Taking great care with every action he makes. Out there, any slight mistake will cost a life. He knew that first hand...

Cypher gets bored, people arguing all day did that. Nothing constructive would happen because these low level demons just kept screaming at each other. Who even comes to their king with petty land disputes anyway? Especially to behave in this manner.
He let's his eyes wonder outside to one of the courtyards. The sound of clashing metal was what really brought his attention.
Fighting in the puddles was his Pinetree. He looked to be sparing with the guard. Dipper was winning.
It ends with the Knight slipping on the wet stone and Dipper's foot on their chest, sword to the throat. Bill smiles. So he was brave.
The smile falls as he watches Dipper and the guard laugh, throwing their heads back. He felt jealously pang in his chest.
Looking back at the squabbling mess before him he grows impatient. He stands, allowing his glow to flare around him. "Settle this now! Or I'll do it by killing you all and claiming the land as my own again." He growls.
Suddenly they can work something out, papers are signed and they all scurry out.
"I see no one else today. They've worn my patience too much." he tells his organiser who nods and also leaves.

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