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Weeks ticked by like seconds and now the moment of adventure was upon the researcher, much to his family's disapproval. He'd not been home long enough but work is work.
Dipper manages to pry Mabel off and set off for the salt marshes where he'd meet the others. He was excited. He needed some normal after the week in the castle.

The hike to the marshes was only a day. The shack was on the outskirts of their land. Traveling around was easier this way.
Dipper had said goodbye to his family and headed off much to their displeasure. At least if he disappeared again they'd have an idea of where to look.

As usual, dipper was the first to arrive at the site agreed on. He had a few errands to run before the others arrives later that evening. He set up his tent, they'd only be staying the night but he preferred to be comfortable.
After camper setup, dipper examined his map. He wanted to make his way into the local town to buy some... special ingredients for their trip.
This town unfortunately was just within in king Cypher's land. This however did not deter young researcher as he collected his money and set sights for the town. It wasn't like to he king would know.

Over the last few weeks, one could say the king had gone mad. He'd speak to himself frequently out loud and grow frustrated when asked who he was talking to. Sometimes he'd even attack the air, whatever voice he was hearing clearly displeasing him.
The castle was on edge, so when the king insisted on visiting a lowly town for the day, the court was pleased to be rid of him. The small town which was hardly within the royal boarders, less so.
Bill was now glamoured to look like someone else. Only a select few knew how this stranger truly was. He wandered the dark market, he wanted a better idea of the people's idea of him.
The voice had become rather persistent he could to this town. He wasn't sure why. But is it would stop the maddening then Bill would try anything.
"One pound of your finest please."
That voice sounded familiar...
"What's the likes of you wan'in with this?"
"I'll pay double for no questions." It can't be.
"We don't serve your kind. No' unless you be wan'in to become the product."
A sigh leaves a hooded man his hand now resting on his sword, "I assure you, it's better to just let me buy it for double price before I use something else for bait."
"Alrigh' keep your flesh on... For now..."
Just as Bill was about to be close enough to see the stranger's face, he disappeared back into the crowd. It couldn't have been...
He turns to the merchant, a slim and slimy goblin, "that man. Describe him."
" 'ows askin'?"
"The king." Bill let's the glamour fall momentarily.
"Your majesty! If I'd be known it wa' you I'd a-"
"Describe the man."
"Well, 'uman lookin'. Gotta assume he wa' one by the way 'e smelt."
"His features you fool."
" 'air like mud. Skin like snow. Ugly like all of 'em. Some odd lookin' scar 'idden un'er on 'id brow."
"Pine tree ..." Cypher mumbles.
"Wot? No, a 'uman sir."
Bill rolls his eyes leaving the goblin with nothing but a story of how he met the king that no one would believe.
So this is what the voice wanted... What's more, what did Dipper need with a pound of human flesh?

Just as the sun began to set, the two other researchers arrived with their own three hired hands. Mercenaries often took jobs with researcher. The money was good and often or not they'd pick up loot to sell on return too.
"Dr. Pines. Great to see you. This trip wouldn't be possible without you." DR. Trevor says.
"I agree most heartdly." Dr. June adds.
Both of them worked in the city most of the time, each coming across eachother and Dr. Pines work at often.

They settle for the night, one of the hired hands steps toward the researcher's camp only to be pulled back with a laugh.
"We don't mix with the brainiacs. Come on, we'll show you the ropes."
Some twenty steps from the researcher's set up, the mercenaries set up their own fire.
"They think they're better then us, but really with our us they'd all die." One says, throwing a bone into the fire and grins as it cracks.
"It's true. Sometimes me thinks about just killin' 'em an' runnin' off wiv the lot. Killin' a couple monsters for loot on the way."
The first shakes his head,"See the short one." He nods over in the direction of Dr. Pines, "He's fucking crazy. Don't even think about killing anything when he's around. He's all backwards."
"What do you mean?" The third speaks for the first time.
"Well, he's got a reputation. There is a reason he doesn't need to hire people like us."
The second laughs,"bet I could take 'im if I did feel up to it."
"Oh yeah. I bet you'd loose an eyes, if not your head. He's cursed."
"What do you mean?" The third speaks again.
The first shrugs, "don't matter."
"No, please, why's he cursed?"
The second laughs, "isn't you polite wiv your pleases. But I am curious na, wots wrong wiv 'im?"
The first rolls his eyes, "All this is long tongue nonsense if you ask me, but they say he's part... Ya know ... One of them ... I've seen him cut a man's hand right off and not even block for almost giving some shadow bastard poison. He's got more empathy for those things then his fellow man. They say if you look into his eyes long enough as he kills you, you'll see the stars."
The second laughs, snorting, "right, sure. 'e's built like a twig in win'er."
The first shrugs, "you asked."
The third let's his eyes wander to the researcher's camp where his eyes lock with the doctor in question who'd been looking at him for sometime now. He let's their eyes stay together for some time, maybe he was searching for the stars but the doctor was searching for something else. That familiarity about this third man bothered him.
Dr. Pines looked away first, he need not bother with that right now. Tomorrow they had a journey into the salt marshes. He was excited.

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