good morning

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Feeling well rested, Dipper began to stir. He stretched out, only to be stopped my someone holding him. His eyes flash open and he finds himself staring at the sleeping face of the Demon King.
"Good Morning Pinetree, sleep well?" the king kept his eyes shut, but Dipper still felt as though he was looking right at him.
Dipper nods slowly, his face a crimson colour.
Cypher opens his eyes, "Good." He smiles at the researcher in his arms.
"I should go get dressed..." Dipper whispers, his voice getting caught in his throat.
"Or you could stay, just a little longer. Enjoy the morning sun with me?" Bill's words were posed as a question but were definitely a statement.
Bill waves his hand so the window returns to clear glass once again, only for a thunder to crash and Dipper throwing his hands over his head by reflex. The window tints again and the sound is shut out.
Cypher rubs circles on Dipper's back to sooth him and wonders how the hell a storm this bad lasted all night.
Dipper was calmer now, still a little dazed out but otherwise fine. He let Bill run his fingers through his brown hair, it was surprisingly soft.
"Sorry..." Bill hears Dipper murmur.
"What for, Pinetree?" he asks, keeping his tone a soothing as possible.
"For this. I'm not like this. I face demons and dragons and all kinds of evil and I'm fine. I'm brave then, but this..."
Bill pulls Dipper a little closer, "This never happened. I promise I don't think bad of you."
Bill places a small kiss on the top of Dipper's head, "I swear to the hells and heavens twice over."
He could feel Dipper's face burn up, he tried to pull away to see but Dipper wouldn't let him. Instead, they lay there for a little longer, arms and legs knotted together as the storm wages on.

Mabel wakes up, a smile on her face, the sun pouring through her window. Waddles oiks at her, rubbing his noes against her hand.
"Are you hungry Waddles? Come on boy, let's go get some food." she rushes down stairs, collecting some fruit for her pet pig and some bread and honey for herself.
Like everyday, her morning was perfect. Mabel grins as she goes to her brother's room. After they turned 16 five years ago, they decided their own rooms were very much a necessity- but when Dipper was home they'd still sometimes have sleepovers.
She knocks on the door, "Wakey Wakey eggs and bakey bro bro!" she calls.
A draft wafts from under the door onto her bare feet. That's odd...
"Dipping dots?" she calls, pushing the door open.
Mabel gasps as the door swings open. Dipper's bag was gone along with him and the window was swaying open.
"no! Grunkle Stan! Someone's taken Dipper!"

Bill had snuck out while Dipper had fallen back asleep. He was getting them both some food, more for a brunch by now though.
Outside every window the storm outside reigned supreme and it unnerved Bill slightly. Normally storms this strong were short by nature, but this... If felt wrong. Almost as if it wasn't truly a storm.
The King shook these suspicions aside and returned to his room with coffee and an order for the staff members to make the best breakfast in bed they'd ever made.
Dipper was sat up in the bed now, rubbing his eyes and staring fearfully at the blacked out window.
"Hey, I brought coffee." Cypher hands Dipper a cup, just as he brings it to his lips he puts his hand over it, "Careful, it's hot."
Dipper nods, his face red now as Bill removes his hand from Dipper's lips.
They sit drinking their coffee in silence until there is a knock at the door and someone brings in food.
"Finally! Food. Dig in Pinetree, you must be starving."
In all honesty, he was. Dipper hadn't had dinner the night he was taken and even if he did, throwing up last night would make it as though he hadn't anyway.
Dipper watches Bill as he ate, trying to figure him out. He didn't understand.
"If you keep staring Pinetree, you'll never be able to look away. Not that I'm complaining."
"Why are you like this?"
Bill is slightly taken back, "Like what?"
"The second you saw me, you through a man in jail for me and all of this along with last night. It just doesn't seem like something a Demon King would do."
Bill thinks it over, "You're right. It isn't normal for me to let people live. Let alone take this must interest in a mortal. Are you sure you're human?" he asks mockingly.
Dipper started to regret asking, he pulled his fringe over his forehead again, "Yeah I've got the scars to prove it" he half jokes, hoping to calm his nerves with jokes.
Bill noted the hair again before getting curious, "Scars?"
Dipper nods, "yep, too many to count now" he admits, he used to keep track of each one but after he filled a notebook, he gave up.
"And, how does a pretty little thing like you, get scars?" Bill asks, he was pushing for Dipper to admit to his job.
"Well- you see. I. Well, it's hard to explain I guess... I-"
"Pinetree," Dipper stops muttering; Bill was holding his Researcher Passport, "I already know."
Dipper does his best to scramble back from Bill. Researchers had a reputation for being torturous and cruel, he wasn't sure Bill would give him a chance to explain he wasn't like that before he was six feet under.
Bill grabbed Dipper's ankle, pulling him back close to him, the look of fear in the researcher's eyes made him laugh.
"Don't worry, little Pinetree, the wind whispers your praises." He laughs again, Dipper feeling as though he'd missed something.
"Now why, my fearful furn, didn't you tell me?"
"I-  I was afraid..."
"Of me?"
Dipper nods, "I've known you less then a day, this is all so strange" he gestures all around him.
It was true. Less then a day had past and this man was already in his bed. Cypher thinks over the last part again.
He looks Dipper up and down. He was slightly desheveled from sleep and still looked sleepy. Everything in this picture makes the King's own cheeks rush with blood.
"fuck..." He mutters, covering his face.
"What's the matter?"
"You look like that" Cypher gestures to Dipper's entirty, "In my bed..."

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