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Basking in sunlight, the mystery shack stood-just barely- in all it's broken glory. A gentle wind blowing through the clearing of the woods which the building stood. It was a beautiful day to be home, Dipper thought as he saw the place he had yearned to be for days.

Inside, Mabel was sat sadly holding the books Dipper had so loved wondering if she'd ever see her beloved twin again. People had started rumours about what had "really" happened to the Pines boy.

Including, but not limited to; he was kidnapped by a demon as revenge for his job; Stan had finally lost it and killed Dipper; he'd simply run away and more completely false ideas that sent Mabel further into sweater town.

The door opens, but she doesn't look up, there wasn't any point.

"Mabel? Gruncle Stan?"

It couldn't be...

"Dipper?" Mabel runs to the front door. Sure enough there her brother was, bandaged and dirty but standing with a smile. 

Mabel picked him up in a hug, "People thought you died!" She exclaims, she was crying- overwhelmed with happiness. He was back. He was home.

Dipper pulled away from his sister, "I think I'm very lucky to be alive for sure- but definitely alive."

"Thank the spirits... What happened to you?" 

Dipper sighs, "I think that's a story best told to everyone at once, where is Stan?"

Their gruncle had been out trying to find out what had happened to his grand-nephew everyday since his disappearance.  Mabel sent out a Soos to tell him that Dipper was home and once everyone was reunited, Dipper started his story of the Demon King.

"Damn Kid, you always seem to get yourself into trouble with royalty." Stan laughs.

"Hey, so does Mabel!" Dipper defends, the local Lord's son- Gideon- was rather infatuated with his sister.  

"Well, I'm just glad you're home. It was terrifying having to think about what may of happened." Mabel hugs her brother again- if given the chance, she'd never let go. 

"And I'm home in time for my exhibition to the marshes." Dipper says, glad he didn't miss this rare chance. 

"You can't seriously still be going? You only just got back!" Mabel complains.

"I have to, it's still my job. It's not for a few weeks, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere for a while."

The family took what they could get, Dipper was committed to is job. Sometimes Stan regretted not being able to find the journals first and stop the kid from ever getting the idea to become a researcher.

Bill sat on his throne examining the unreadable notes from Dipper's clear guide on how to care for a wound from his weapon against the code written in his old enemy's third journal. He knew the code all along...  The key to getting back to his full strength had slept in his bed. 

"FUCKING PINETREE!" Bill screams suddenly, throwing down the book and papers which scatter in the air and float to the ground.

Ever since Dipper had left, Bill found himself to have an empty feeling in his chest. It was ridiculous; he's a king. He can have whatever- whoever, fuck it, EVERYTHING he wanted. Nothing was out of his reach. Nothing was beyond his power. 

And yet, some mortal researcher comes and goes leaving him with nothing but the memory of s kiss and he's effected him so much. What was wrong with him?

Bill sits back down in a huff. 

His brother's had left that morning, they had their own kingdoms to run. It left Bill even more alone- not that any of the Cypher Kings would ever admit that they enjoyed each other's company. That would be absurd. 

What if Pinetree hadn't made it back? His kingdom wasn't the easiest land to walk without trouble... No, Dipper would be fine, he was a skilled swordsman. However, he didn't have magic like the demons that call this land home... 

Sending a scout wouldn't be dramatic, would it? 

No, of course not.

Dipper was a guest AND he is the only one who can read that stupid code, so really Bill was only making sure his way to power was still alive. 

He called together his scouting team and the prisoner that had brought Dipper here in the first place- Bill hoped the dungeon hadn't sent him too mad.

"In three days I expect you back here to report to me the condition of Pinetree. If the fool doesn't take you there or tries to escape, kill him." Bill commands. He knew how this looked. Sending a party after he let him go... "You're not to interact with him or bring him back. Just get a status and return."

They leave and Bill returns to his bedroom. 

The bowl and rags were still by his bedside table, he had told everyone to not touch anything. He was still hanging onto what he had left. He couldn't help it.

"Fuck you Pinetree. Why the fuck did you have to come here? Why do I have to care..?"

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