Good night

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The team played 4 more rounds. Meme got imposter on the last game, but got voted out because he vented in front of Laff. Once crewmates won the last game, they all joined in the lobby again.

Joocie: Bro your trash.

Meme: Shut up it was on accident. 

Nadwe: Oh sureeeeee.

Meme rolled his eyes as the other two laughed.

OOF: Hey can we go to bed now, I'm getting really sleepy.

Laff: If its okay with everyone else then sure.

Blaza: Yeah I wanna go to bed.

Socks: Same, today has been a long day.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Laff: Alright, but before we do I have news from the crew back on Earth. They say that we need to keep in as much heat in as possible because we will be arriving on Polus within 4 days. It will be very cold, so everyone will have a partner to share a pod with. Yes, they have been updated to connect so we can have 2 per pod. They wanted to make it easy, so your partners have already been assigned.

Blaza: Okay, who are with grouped with?

Laff: The team should send you a message soon about what room you're in, but thats as far as I know.

Woolf: Ok so can we all just choose sleep on our watches?

Laff: Yes, everyone ready?

Meme: Yep.

The crew all pressed sleep on their watches. Once they got back in the cafe, a few minutes of pure boredom went by as they waited for the message. Finally, they got them.

TBH: Ok, who is in Nav?

Woolf: I am!Guess were roomies.

TBH: Nice! Let's go to bed.

Woolf and TBH walked to Nav. Everyone started walking to their spots.

Socks' thought: I'm in medbay. I swear to god if I have to share with Meme. 

Socks walked over to medbay and surprise surprise, Meme was there. They didn't say anything to each other, just pushed the pods together and changed into pajamas.

Meme's thought: This sucks. I wanna talk to him so bad, but its way too soon. Damn it.

Socks got into his pod. He finally broke the silence.

Socks: The pods are basically a giant bed now, just stay on your side please.

He said it with a flat tone, no warmth or sadness. Just numb.

Meme: Yeah, I will.

Before Meme went to bed he decided to get some water from cafe. He walked out of Medbay and went right. Once he drank his water, he headed back. When he came in, he almost tripped over Socks' space suit that he left on the floor.

Meme's thought: Uhggg. Why can't he pick up his shit.

Meme picked up the brightly colored space suit and began to fold it. As  he was doing so, something fell out. Meme finished folding and picked up the object. It was a photo.

The photo from a few days ago.

The one him and Socks took.

Meme stared at the photo intensely.

Meme's thought: Wh- Why does he still have this? He should have thrown it away, but he didn't. This makes no sense. Wh-

Socks: Hey, what are you doing?

Meme looked up from his trance to see Socks leaning over him. He quickly put the picture away.

Meme: I- Its nothing.

Socks: Whats that in your hand?

Meme: Nothing. Its just- um..

Socks: Its clearly something, what is it?

Meme: I told you, nothing. Just go back to bed.

Socks grabbed Meme's hand and yanked the picture out of it. After Socks looked at it he stared at Meme without any emotion.

Socks: Where did you get this?

Meme: Um, from your space suit...

Socks: Why did you take it?

Meme: Well your suit was on the floor so I decided to fold it and then the photo fell out so I looked at it and-

Socks: Don't ever touch things that don't belong to you.

Meme: Right but-

Socks: Ever. Now go to bed.

Meme: But I'm not-

Socks: Bed, now.

Meme sighed and laid down in his pod section.

Meme's thought: I've never been scared of Socks, but that. He was so numb, and emotionless. His voice didn't have a kind and heartwarming tone to it. Why did he care so much? I wasn't gonna take it or anything, just look at it.

Then, Meme felt the bed get heavier. Socks was laying down next to him, neither were tired. 

Meme: Hey Socks, why did you have that?

Socks: Because.

Meme: Because why?

Meme turned over so that he was facing Socks.

Socks: Because its a nice photo.

Meme: Hm. Are you mad at me?

Socks: No, why?

Meme: You just seem upset.

Socks: The past few days have been...interesting, and its been a lot to handle.

Meme: I guess you're right.

Socks: Of course I am, now we both need to get some sleep.

Meme: Okay, good night.

Socks: Good night, Meme.

Meme's eyes fluttered closed. He always fell asleep way faster then Socks, but soon the orange spaceman was asleep too.

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