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At this point, Socks was getting more and more aggressive. He was pushing Meme's neck, he was crushing his waist with how tight he was holding him so that Meme could barely breathe. Meme pulled away for a moment.

Meme(out of breath): Aren't you scared someone will see us?

Meme looked over at the entrance. 

Socks: No, and if they do whats the worst that could happen?

Socks tried to go back to kissing Meme, but Meme turned away.

Meme: I'm just saying, what if someone sees, then says something? Everyone would know.

Meme dropped his hands from Sock's hair. Socks made a sad face.

Meme: hm? Why the face?

Socks: No reason.

Socks let go of Meme and put him down on the bed as he stood up.

Socks: I should probably go check up on everyone. As you said I do detective things, so I should probably stick to what I'm best at.

Meme: I didn't mean it like that.

Socks stayed silent.

Socks let out a sigh and walked over to medbay doorway. Before he walked out, he said something.

Socks: Oh, don't say anything about this. I mean if you were so worried of someone walking in, its best if you don't say anything either. 

Meme: Of course, I wouldn't want anyone knowing. 

Socks: Great, so were just friends. Nothing else.

Meme's heart just broke.

Meme: Right.

Socks: bye.

Meme: Yea. bye.

Socks walked out of the doorway and made a left.

Meme's thought: What the hell? Did I mess up? Why'd he say just friends? Does he hate me? What did I do? God. He looked sad. Is it because I pulled away? No. Cant be. Right? Why did he leave.


I hate that. He said it so harshly. It stings. I feel lost. If anything l'v been demoted because he used to say best friends. Did I ruin it? Shit. 


This is his fault. I just didn't want anyone saying something. Does he not think? 

Meme got up from the bed and went over to his scanner to make sure it was working, he had to get what just happened off his mind.

Sock's mind: Why did he care? If someone walked in and realized that were more then friends why would he make such a deal out of it. Honestly, if it ment I could been with him I'd tell the whole ship.  But no. He wants no one to know. He wants people to see us as friends. If that's how he wants people to see us then that's how we'll be. 

Socks walked down from upper engine and went into security, where he found Blaza and TBH.

TBH: Oh hey man whats up!

Socks: Hey guys!

Blaza: Dude, why were you in medbay so long?

Socks itched his throat. His hands started sweating and his voice got shaky. He coughed.

Socks: Just doing some detective work as usual!

TBH: Yea but the only other person that was in there was Meme. I mean, how much detective work is there to be done?

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