I win

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Meme's smile turned to a worried face.  Socks got up and went back down to the end of the bed again. He continued teasing Meme and then denying him for a while.

Meme's thought: FUCKING CHRIST! I CANT! 

Socks was going so fast, Meme was close. Meme didn't care anymore and let out a huge moan. Socks went even faster, this time letting him cum. Meme twitched. His breath became even more heavy.

Socks smiled as he got up to wipe his hands off. Meme was still on the bed, panting.

Socks: You lost.

Meme (out of breath): Sh- shut up.

Socks: Excuse me? I let you cum you should be grateful. 

Meme rolled his eyes. 

Meme: Can you untie me? Please?

Socks walked over to him and untied his wrists then his ankles. Meme sat up and looked at his wrists. They were marked. Socks walked back over to Meme's desk.

Meme's thought: Oh no. What if people will see the marks? Shit. I lost. I mean whats the worst that could happen? 

Socks: Hey, are you looking at the bruises? 

Meme looked up to see Socks walking over to him.

Meme: Yeah.

Socks sat down next to Meme and looked at his wrist. Meme looked over to Socks.

Meme: You weren't gonna let me cum until I made a noise, were you?

Socks chuckled.

Socks: That's right, and you lost. Which means you have to do what I say for a whole day.

Meme: Are we starting now? 

Socks: No, were doing a full day so we can start tomorrow.

Meme got up off the bed and put back on all his clothes. He zipped up his space suit and sat back down with Socks.

Meme: So now what do we do?

Socks: Well its going to be lunch soon, want to go play video games?

Meme: You can, I'm going to update everyone's medical files.

Socks: Okay, I'll be with them. 

Socks got up and got all his clothes back on. He walked up to the hallway door, but stopped himself. He walked back over to Meme, who was on the bed, and tilted his head up. He kissed him. Socks pulled away smiling.

Socks: I'll see you later.

Meme: Okay, have fun.

Socks walked back to the door way and waved Meme goodbye as he walked out.

Meme's thought: Holy shit. Did that really happen? Fuck. What's he gonna make me do tomorrow? He wouldn't make me uncomfortable, I know that. But still... I'm nervous. 

Meme got off the bed and walked over to his desk. He looked in his handheld mirror.

Meme: SHIT!

Meme's hand flew to his neck, he started inspecting the hickey. 

Meme: Dirty mother fucker. My suit doesn't cover it. Let's just hope no one sees it.

Meme pulled out a huge file bin. He started pulling out thick manila folders with information on each crew member.

Meme: This should keep me busy for a while.


Socks' thought: Fuck. I really did that, huh? Well he lasted longer then I thought. Tomorrow will be fun, for me anyways. I wonder what the boys are playing.

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