New room

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Meme's thought: It already has? What? When did it start? I can feel my heart coming out of my chest. Oh no, is my face getting red?

Socks: Meme!

Meme turned around to see Socks standing at the door way waiting for him.

Socks: No one is allowed to be left alone, and I wanna go set up our new room.

Meme: Our?

Socks: Yeah, everyone has to share a room. Now lets go.

Meme: Um, okay.

Meme got up and walked to Socks. 

Meme's thought: Everyone in the crew was going to be getting a new room. Heating the ship AND the base would be too much, so we will sleep in heated rooms around the base. Since the base was huge the rooms will be pretty far apart, and because the planet was new everyone was going to pair up with someone. This time we got to pick. I guess Socks already picked me as his roommate, and its not like I can decline.

The two walked over to one of the rooms that Laff, Dino, Nadwe, and OOF had set up. The "rooms" were more like tents, but bigger and made out of wood. While the rooms were bigger then tents, they stayed relatively small so the crew wouldn't waste to much wood. Meme and Socks were going to stay in room 1A since it was closest to the ship.

Socks: Well I guess the rooms are set up, now we can move in.

Socks began grabbing boxes with his name on it and started moving them into the room, Meme did he same. When they were finished Meme sat on his bed. The rooms had two each.

Meme: I'm tired, those boxes were heavy.

Socks: Yeah, at least we can relax now.

Socks laid down next to Meme on his bed.

Meme's thought: Why is he on my bed? He has his own. 

Socks: Meme

Meme: Yeah?

Socks: I want cuddles.

Socks reached his arms out to Meme. He smiled and laid down next to the orange spaceman. Meme placed his head and left arm on his chest. Socks wrapped his arm around Meme and interlocked his hand with Meme's.

Meme: We don't have anything else to do, right?

Socks: Nope.

Meme: I might fall asleep then.

Socks smiled.

Socks: That's perfectly fine.

Meme's thought: The past few days have been so stressful. We have been doing so much work to get here, its been very tiring. At least I can sleep now.

Soon, Meme had fallen asleep.

Socks' thought: I'm glad were on better terms now, I was so scared we wouldn't. As much as it bothers me that Meme is sleeping during his 24 hour deal, I know he needs rest. He has been doing a lot recently, trying to get everyone's files correct and getting all the Medbay supplies ready. Hopefully the normally extra and energetic Meme will be back soon. 

Socks wasn't sleepy, but he still stayed by Meme so when he woke up he wouldn't be alone.


TBH: UGH! These boxes are so heavy. Where Socks? He had easy stuff to do, he should help us.

Blaza: He's probably with Mem- uh, I mean- he's probably sleeping or something. He could be tired after not sleeping for a while.

TBH: Socks doesn't get tired, and besides, we ALL have had a lack of sleep recently. He's not special.

Woolf: Hush TBH, Socks did the security room. We are doing our part.

Joocie: Yeah but security room was easy, these boxes are huge and way a lot.

Blaza: Did you do security room?

Joocie: Well, no.

Blaza: Exactly, therefor you have no right to say if it was easy or not. It could have been very difficult for all you know.

Joocie: I guess, but still-

Woolf: Just shut up dude, it's not that big of a deal anyways.

The four continued carrying boxes to what was soon to be a library.


Meme's POV

Its really bright and warm. I can tell I'm dreaming because I dream in an odd way. It's usually through temperatures, colors, and lights. These things are based off what I'm feeling. Right now I see lots of yellows and pinks. Brightness is a good sign I'm happy. I love this feeling. I never want it to end, though all good things have to end eventually.

Meme's eyes blinked open, he looked up to Socks who seemed bored as he stared up at the ceiling. The room was quiet since Socks didn't want to wake Meme.

Meme's thought: I can hear his heart beat, it sounds so wonderful. This is a moment worth going through hell for. I could lay here for hours and my life would never become dull.

Meme: How long have I been asleep?

Socks looked down to the rosey-cheecked doctor and smiled.

Socks: Probably like 45 minutes, not very long.

Meme: So have you just been laying here for 45 minutes doing nothing?

Socks: Yep.

Meme: Why? 

Socks: Because if I moved you might have woken up, and I can't risk that. You haven't been getting much sleep lately.

Meme: I guess you're right. I think I've gotten enough sleep though.

Socks: What? That wasn't even an hour long! 

Meme: Yeah but I'm borrrrrrred. I want to go explore and do something.

Socks: But sleep, you out of all people should know how important it is.

Meme: I'm not sleepy now, but if I get my energy out I most likely will be sleepy later.

Socks: Ugh, fine. You have to promise me you'll get sleep later.

Meme: Promise.

Meme sat up from Socks' chest and jumped over him. He was very excited to explore he new base. Socks got up after Meme and they exited the room together.

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