Chapter 18

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The rest of the week was as good as it possibly could have gone for El. She waited for more letters to come and sent out her replies. She went to school and disappeared in the back of the classroom. She went home and waited for Hopper get done with work to eat dinner then watch some television together.

Wow. El thought when she realized just how repetitive and boring her life was. I live a pretty depressing life.

It's not like she didn't love the people in her life and didn't appreciate all she was given when she was growing up. She just started to think differently about her life after she got back from Hawkins. She started to feel like she was missing something.

Adventure. Like in the books she loved to read.

Friends. That were in a completely different state than her.


The thought surprised her so much it snapped her out of a trance she was in. She had never thought of something like that before. Why think about it now?

She has always been okay with being by herself. She'd always thought she didn't need a boyfriend, that she was happy being independent. And she was, until she wasn't. Why would she want a change?

Maybe it was due to the talk she had with Hopper the other day, but she couldn't fully put the blame on that.

She thought about it more as she walked home. The walk itself was uneventful. A few cars passed her as she tread towards her house. As always she stopped at the mailbox and found one envelope sitting in it, waiting for her.

Looking at the handwriting on the envelope, she immediately knew it was from Mike. She smiled at the letter in her hand and hurried inside the house.

She laid on her bed as she opened the envelope to read the letter that read:

Dear El

I seriously can't wait for you to come back to Hawkins. I love my friends and all but it's just so much better with you around. Everyone misses you too. And I mean everyone. Robin the other told us "tell Belle I said hi", so that's saying something.

Anyways, enough about talking about how much I wish you were here. Nothing new has really been going on over in Hawkins. Well, nothing interesting to say the least.

The guys and I are planning to sign up for the science fair and hope redeem ourselves from the place we took last year (we took third and every year before that we took first). I'm not expecting it to be that hard. We have a super cool project in mind about different dimensions and that kind of stuff. It should be fun.

Another thing that's going on, Holly has been asking for a dog. She has been driving my parents crazy with her asking for one every day. They keep on saying that we don't have the right house for a dog. But then I pointed out that we literally have a two story house, plus a basement and a huge yard. My mom got upset and asked who's side I was on. I obviously said Holly's because a dog seems pretty cool to be honest.

Oh! Another thing! Since you are coming up here for Christmas, I need some ideas on what to go you for a gift. So if you could supply a list...that would be very helpful. (Everyone is wanting to get you something.)

Anything new up your way?

Can't wait to talk to you in person again.



P.S. Will said that you two needed to make a plan before you gave down here so that his mom and Hopper will have a chance to talk more.

El smiled at the letter and felt heart glow with glee knowing that she and Will were trying to get their parents in a relationship. If it worked it would give the Hopper's more of an excuse to go down to visit. El would be able to see her friends more.

El looked over the letter one more time. Mike wanted to know what she wanted for Christmas. He thought of her for getting gifts.

She felt her heart flutter as she read the letter for the third time. She smiled at the handwriting.

Oh no. She thought to herself. No, that can't happen.

She rubbed her forehead starting to feel embarrassed even though she was alone.

You just had to. El scolded herself. You can't. He's your friend.

El wanted to kick herself for the thoughts she had earlier. How could she not been able to read herself?

He's not...It won't happen. He doesn't...he's your friend.

She couldn't believe herself.

She couldn't believe that she let herself fall for Mike.

I have a crush on Mike.

Authors note
I dont know about the ending of this chapter...let me know what you think of it. I might end up changing it but we'll see I guess.

Anyway two updates in one month! It's a miracle! 😂

Love ya!!❤️❤️❤️

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