Chapter 14

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Day Two

El woke up the next morning feeling a rush excitement hit her like a truck. She had so much fun the day before she just couldn't wait to see what this day held. She felt like one of those girls in the movies that woke up to their perfect life, full happiness and laughter. She wished everyday felt like this.

She and Hopper had gotten a hotel room for the days they were staying in town. She looked over at her father on the other mattress in the room. She immediately heard his snoring that made her giggle quietly. Not wanting to wake him, she quickly and silently made her way to the bathroom to get herself ready.

El wasn't one to worry about her looks, she doesn't do a full face of make up or make sure that every hair on her head is perfectly curled to the way she wanted it. She has always just brushed out her hair and put on a little lip balm. And that's what she did today, only this time, she did something she hadn't done in a while. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

She felt like herself, and she was happy to feel that way. She was happy she decided to go out of her comfort zone and send a letter back to Mike. She was happy because he became friends with Eleanor Hopper. She was truthful and honest when she talked about herself, and she made a new friend because of it. A friend that liked her for her. Not someone else, her. She felt lucky to have someone to surprise on their birthday and have them hug her out of pure excitement and joy. She had someone other than Hopper, a real friend. How could she not be happy with that?

Mike woke up feeling exactly like El did. He was full of giddiness as he sat down at the breakfast table to eat. Every part of his mind thought of El and nothing more. He kept looking at the window outside hoping to see her truck pull up to the driveway so they could spend time together. But every time he looked she wasn't there.

If you keep looking it's only going to make the time go by slower. Mike told himself.

"Mike, cut it out!" Nancy snapped beside him. He notice that due to his giddiness he had been bouncing his leg as a way to make to make the time energy leave. Clearly, it only made Nancy annoyed, which was a plus in his book.

"Sorry." He mumbled unapologetically. He really didn't care if she was mad at him. He knew if he even breathed wrong she would be upset and over the years of it being like this, he just learned not to care.

"Somebody's excited!" Karen smiled at her son as she set down the last plate on the table. "Could that possibly be because a certain friend is coming over today?"

"Mike got a girlfriend." Nancy looked at her mom incredulously.

"No! I didn't!" Mike snapped, feeling a little blush creep up his face. "But if I did, why is that so hard to believe?" He turned to Nancy. "I mean, you got a boyfriend so anything's possible."

Nancy gave him a death stare before giving his chair swift kick, almost knocking him completely off.

"Hey! Hey! Quit it!" Karen scolded her two children. "We are not doing this this early in the morning, okay?"

The pair of siblings mumbled their responses before turning back to their food.

"Anyways," Karen continued the conversation before it got chaotic, "Mike's friend is his pen pal he has been writing to for the past month."

Nancy snorted. "Don't you think you're a little too old to have a pen pal?" She asked trying to stir up trouble.

"Don't you think it's a little stupid to have a boyfriend who slings ice cream for a living?" Mike retaliated.

"Okay, that's enough!" Karen raised her voice out of anger. She was only trying to make conversation. "Both of you, that ends now!"

She was met again with mumbled responses. The rest of breakfast was left in silence while they finished.

El cannot come soon enough. Mike thought while picking at his food.

Authors note
I really liked writing this chapter 😂
It just reminds me of me and my family whenever we fight.

One thing I should tell you is that updates are going to be slow for not only this book but with home also. I'm currently working on another project but I still wanting to finish this book for you guys. It's just going to slow down, I guess that's all I can say.

Anyways as always thank you for reading. I really hope you enjoyed it and see you when I update next.

Love ya ❤️❤️❤️

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