Chapter 7

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That's El?

Throughout the next week, every time Mike's mind would drift to thinking about El, he would get a pit in his stomach. He didn't want to think about all the horrible ways everything could go wrong, but he did. He couldn't help it.

What if I overstepped and she doesn't want to talk to me anymore? What if with her knowing what I look like, she doesn't want to be friends anymore?

What if, what if, what if. That's all what was going through his head whenever he thought about El. If he was being honest, he was a little bit nervous, even a little scared to get her letter. If, of course, she ever wrote back.

All of his fears subsided when he came home on Tuesday to see a letter addressed to him, from none other than El herself. He quickly ripped open the letter excited to see what she wrote.

Dear Mike,

I'm gonna be honest, I didn't not expect you to look like that. Trust me when I say, your better than I imagined. It's amazing all the details of a person you can get from one photo.

For example, from this photo, and tell me if I'm wrong, you are a guy who likes to be put together. Or you least dress like your put together just so people will think that. And your not stuck up, or you try not to be. You enjoy having fun and being random sometimes. You also like to help people if they let you.

So... how did I do?

I know you told me that I didn't have to send a photo back, but I thought about it and I came to the conclusion that if I didn't, I would feel bad. So now you can try to get to know me from a photo. It's in the envelope.

Now, about your question. I had calamari once. I know it doesn't sound weird but there's a story to go along with it.

I was younger, like 6 years old, we were at a sea food restaurant. And my parents wanted to calamari for an appetizer. Back then, I was a really picky eater, like I wouldn't eat Mac and Cheese unless it was the box kind. So my parents told me it was chicken, I took a bit of it and liked it. So, I ordered some for my meal. And I picked one up and I turned to my dad and said, "this looks like an octopus." My parents didn't tell me until years later that it was squid!

And you know what, my parents did the same thing when I ate alligator for the first time. Rule number one in my family, if they say it's chicken, it's a 50-50 chance it actually is.

But I have to give them credit, calamari is one of my favorite sea foods.

I told my dad that I wanted him to call me El. He seemed surprised at first, but I think he's coming around to it. I've still been trying to convince him to start dating, and guess what, he still doesn't listen.

But watch me, I'm going to get him to start dating. Even if it's last thing I ever do. Just you wait!

Just you wait!


Mike's smile went wide as he finished the letter. He put it down as he searched the envelope and found the piece of paper he was looking for. He grabbed it and made it face himself.

Oh my god

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Oh my god. He thought.

A few hours later, the party met with an emergency meeting in Mike's basement. Mike had called this meeting right after reading and rereading her letter.

"What's so important that you had to tell us now instead of at school tomorrow?" Max said already annoyed at Mike.

Mike didn't respond, all he did was slam El's picture down on the table dramatically. Lucas was the first to pick it up and examine the photo. The rest of the party quickly looking over his shoulders to get a look at the girl.

"Who are we looking at?" Dustin broke the silence by saying exactly what they were all thinking.

"El!" He said pointing at the photo that still rests in Lucas's hands.

The group looked at him in shock. "That's El?" They all said in unison.

"Yeah! I sent her a photo of myself after you guys complain about her for the hundredth time and she sent me that back!"

"I thought you said she was shy." Max said

"She is but she said she would feel bad if she didn't send one back. She's pretty, isn't she?" Mike said grabbing the photo back from Lucas.

"I mean, yeah, I guess." He replied carefully, knowing Max was right beside him.

"Mike, please tell me your not falling for her." Dustin said. "We can't lose like Lucas."

"What?" Lucas said confused. "You didn't lose me, I'm right here with you guys."

"No," Dustin shook his head. "You went over to the dark side and brought some back with you."

Will busted out laughing at Dustin. "Did you just-" he started to question be Max beat him to it.

"Did you just make me into a Star Wars reference?"

"Yeah he did," Lucas said looking at her. "And he made you the bad guy."

"Okay enough!" Dustin said trying to change the subject. "The point is you better not be falling for her, because then it will be like, 'oh my god! I love El so much!' You hardly shut up about her now. Think about how bad he will be if they dated. That's exactly what happened with Lucas!"

"Hey!" Lucas said defensively.

"Oh, like you-" Mike zones out as the party started to get into another fight. He turned back to El's letter he brought down with the picture.

He realized that the envelope he brought down too was now missing. He looked down around the floor but saw nothing. He shrugged it off though, thinking it would probably turn up in a day or two and started to listen to the argument.

Authors note
Today was a good day writing wise. I got a lot done with this story and even neighbors. But I was still lazy enough not to edit so if there are any spelling mistakes or anything like that please let me know.


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