Chapter 6

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Face Reveal

El was walking home with her Walkman on listening to music like she does everyday. But today, she wasn't listening to the music. She didn't walk to the beat of the music. Instead, she was in her own head, thinking. Thinking about Mike and how even though she barely knew him, she felt like she could trust him.

A small smile came on her face as her house came into view. Ever since she and Mike had started writing to each other, checking the mailbox became exciting. Everyday after school she would walk up to it and see if there was a letter for her. It felt like Christmas in a way, waiting to see if she's going to get something she wants. Most days nothing came. Of course she was disappointed, but she took it as it being one day away from getting the gift she wanted.

The excitement in her chest started to rise as she quickly walked to the mailbox. She opened it looking inside at all the envelopes, taking them all out, looking through each and every one of them. Bills, bills, magazine, Eleanor.

El looked at the address and smiled seeing it was from Mike. She closed the mailbox before running inside, slamming the door behind her. She immediately went to her room leaving the door open about three inches as she sat down on her bed, ripping the envelope open. She took out the letter and began to read...

Dear El,

I'm so glad you liked the nickname! It is a really cool name if you ask me. And to answer your question, my favorite season is summer. Because you get to go outside and not care about school. You get to hangout with your friends all day and just have fun.

That's kinda funny, our favorite seasons are exactly the opposite of each other's. Guess that just shows the difference in our personalities. That's basically my friend group, we all have different personalities but we have a lot of things in common at the same time. Which is probably the reason we take sides in a heated debate.

Speaking of friends... I have been talking to my friends about you... a lot. They are always saying stuff like, "why are you acting like you've known her your whole life, you don't even know what she looks like." And I thought about it, and they're right.

You don't have to do this, but inside the envelope there is a picture of me. So now you know what look like. Again, you don't have to do this. I just thought it would be nice to put a face to the writing.

Moving on, I told my mom about the project and the letters. She's really happy that I'm making new friends. I'm not exactly the popular one in school, but you already knew that. When I told her that I made a new friend with this she- haha, sorry I had to write that. Her voice went really high saying, "Yes! See Ted! Mike isn't afraid of girls!"

She said that because Max, the only girl I have ever hung out with, keeps scaring me in front of my family. So now my family keeps thinking I'm afraid of girls. But not anymore!! Haha!

Okay, one question before I finish the letter. What's the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?


El put down the letter while taking a deep breath. Today was the day she was going to see what Mike looks like. Her heart started to race as she grabbed the envelope to see a little piece of paper with the picture facing away from her. She took another deep breath as she grabbed the paper and flipped it over.

 She took another deep breath as she grabbed the paper and flipped it over

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She smiled at the photo. She must admit he wasn't what she expected. He wasn't at all what she expected. She thought he would look like what he thought of himself... a loser. His words not hers. To her, he was cute and his smile made her smile even more.

She looked up from the photo when she heard the door open and close with her dad's voice saying, "Eleanor! I'm home. I got dinner!"

She got off her bed and walked to the dinner table with a smile she didn't even know was on her face.

"What are you so happy about?" Hopper asked.

"I got another letter from Mike. I know what he looks like know." El responded with her smile only growing bigger.

"I'm happy for you. I know this is a little different from what you are used to, but it's always good to get out of your comfort zone."

El smiled.

"Moving on," Hopper started. "How was school Eleanor?"

"Good." El paused. "Hey dad."


"Can you call me El?"


"Yeah. You know, short for Eleanor. It's a nickname Mike gave me."

"Yeah kid. I can call you El." Hopper smiled.

Authors note

Sorry if this chapter seems rushed. I'm currently out of town and I wanted to update for you guys, so I'm writing the chapters for my books when I get the time. Next chapter should be better than this one.


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