Chapter 8

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El's weekend was just as boring as the last. She sat around, watching movies with her father when he was home from work. And if he was at work, she would be outside, in a cozy blanket reading. She was currently reading To Kill a Mockingbird as she saw the mail man come by and drop some letters in the mail box. She quickly ditched her book to go retrieve the mail.

As she was looking through she saw two envelopes addressed to her. One of them she knew was from Mike, but the other she didn't recognize it. It came from Hawkins with the last name of Mayfield.

She went back to the spot on her porch where she had been reading, she choose to first read Mike's letter.

Dear El,

Just like you said with me, I was surprised by the way you look. But at the same time it doesn't surprise me at all. You always say how your this shy person, I don't know, it's just something about your picture shows that your quiet on the outside but, at the same time, you have a loud mind. And, maybe that's why you draw and write, because that's your way of speaking your mind.

I'm only saying this because, you know Will? He is the exact same. He doesn't know how to speak his mind, so he puts it down on paper and tucks it away.

By the way, you are way more adorable than I thought you would be. I guess we both thought we looked differently, like we maybe had an idea of what we looked like based on personalities. But a lot of surprises are good.

And as for your description of me, you are mostly correct. Except for the fact that you completely skipped over me being a nerd. I enjoy science, math, technology. I even like Star Wars and all of those nerdy futuristic movies and ideas. And since my friends like that kind of stuff too, it leads to many debates that eventually become arguments. It gets annoying after a while, unless you have a very interesting argument going on.

Do you have any interesting 'debates' in your family? And if you do, what are they? We are running out of ideas to argue about. Oh, who am I kidding, we aren't even close to running out of ideas.

Your family seems cool, and funny. They certainly know how to play a good joke, that's for sure. And don't worry about your father, he'll find someone. Who knows maybe he already met that someone, or they might meet soon. Just give him time, he will know when it's time.


El gently placed the letter beside her, as she grabbed the other one to start reading.

Dear El,

Hi! I'm Max, I'm one of Mike's friends. He probably told you about me and if he did, he would've probably made me sound like I'm the devil, sent from hell just to ruin his life. Which is only half true. I'll let you figure out that one on your own.

Anyway, you might have a lot of questions, so I'm gonna try answering as many as possible. I got your address from an envelope of one of your letters to Mike. He was showing off your picture to the party while drooling over you, and I managed to get the envelope away from him without him noticing. I know I'm pretty impressive. (That was a joke, in case you couldn't hear the sarcasm.)

The reason I'm writing to you is that, a week ago the party decided to throw Mike a surprise birthday party. His birthday is coming up in about two weeks. And we as a group, expect Mike because doesn't know, decided that if you came to this party he would be really happy. And I mean really happy. He always talking about you and how cool you seem. So, we thought it would be nice if you meet in person.

Let me know what you want to do. We know from Mike that your shy, so if you don't feel comfortable, maybe so can send him a note or something. Just a thought.


El put down the letter and sighed. She didn't know how to feel about this.

On one side, she was happy. The thought of meeting Mike made her heart flutter. But on the other side, she never really liked being in a room full of people. A room where she couldn't just sit in the corner and become invisible. The thought made her heart race, and not in a good way. It was like the feeling you get when you run from your biggest fear. It was terrifying.

What am I going to do? She thought.

Authors note

What do you think she will do? Will she stay or will she go?

I already know what's going to happen, I want to hear what you guys are thinking.

Again, unedited. If any mistakes were made, please let me know.

See what she does next week! See you then!

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