Chapter 1

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The Assignment

"All righty class!" Mr. Clarke, the high school science teacher, said clapping his hands, gaining the attention of all the students in the room. "We have an interesting, new assignment that I think you all might enjoy. It involves meeting new people and, hopefully, making a new friend. Today we are going to write letters to a pen pal."

A few students sighed, others rolled their eyes, but not the party. More specifically Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas, and Max. They were somewhat interested, but the boys were a little disappointed. They enjoy learning about science and how the world works, so they weren't exactly happy with the detour on their "curiosity voyage", as Mr. Clarke would say.

"Now," Mr. Clarke said starting to hand out lined pieces of paper to the students. "You won't be graded on what you write to your pen pal. 90% of your grade is you taking your time to write something to your pen pal. The other 10% is if you get a response back from them. Now, keep in mind that these people aren't required to write a response. So make sure that you ask them a few questions to get them to respond. These letters are going to a school in Illinois, and remember you are representing our school. So please, keep them appropriate. The letters are due tomorrow when class starts. Good luck."

Mr. Clarke looked around the class to see if there were any questions. After seeing that no one had any, he let them get to writing.

Most students started writing right away, others were tapping their pencils to their heads in thought of what to say. Mike Wheeler was one of those people.

He tapped his pencil on his desk as his mind raced. He couldn't think of something to say. He thought and he thought, but in the end, his mind went blank. What could possibly be interesting enough about him where the other person would want to respond to him?

Before he knew it the class was over and he still sat in front of a blank paper and a blank mind.


"Was anyone else having trouble coming up with something to say to their pen pal?" Mike questioned. School had just gotten out and the boys were riding their bikes home, while Max rode her skateboard, testing out a few tricks to rid her mind of boredom.

"No." The group said in unison.

"Well, what did you guys talk about in your letters?"

"I wrote about D&D and the campaign I'm working on," Will stated.

"I talked about how I have no collarbones," Dustin said.

"I told them about the party," Lucas added.

"I said that I can skateboard," Max sighed.

"Great! None of that helped," Mike said rolling his eyes.

Will sighed and looked at him. "Think about it. It'll come to you soon."


That night Mike stared up at his ceiling. He could stop thinking about the letter. Finally he go up from his place on his bed and walked over to his desk in the corner of his room. He sat down and looked at the blank paper.

Just write down whatever you're thinking. He thought to himself. With that thought in his mind he picked up his pen and started writing the letter. The letter started with simple words, but these simple words would change his world for the better.

Dear pen pal...


The next day Mike woke up to the sound of his mother in the kitchen. As he made his way out of the house, he made sure to grab the letter and put it in his backpack. He met up with the party like usual.

"You finish the letter yet?" Lucas asks not even turning to look at him.

"Yeah, finished it last night." Mike replied.

"Is it good?" Max asked.

"I don't know. We'll see if they respond, right?"





"Alright class! Please turn in your letters. By turning them in you are receiving 90% of your grade for this assignment." Mr. Clarke said taking the letters from the students hands as he walks by them.

As he walks by Mike, Mike hands him the letter and only has one thought in his mind.

Please write back.

Letters to ElWhere stories live. Discover now