What type of husband he would be

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- stares at his wedding ring a lot while thinking of you. Would smile to himself and feel himself getting all giddy. He even kisses it for good luck/whenever he's nervous

- remembers all your favorite places to go and surprises you with it on every anniversary. Gets in his best suit/attire just for you

- when he knows you're about to sleep, he will want to fix the bed for you beforehand. He does it everytime and everyday. As well as every morning, if you leave early. Sometimes you will see him in the kitchen (trying) to make you a lunch. I also feel that he's the type to kiss your lunch package before you leave ~

- will want to pick you up everyday after your work, so he would be waiting outside. Has the biggest smile on his face as soon as he sees you

- during your guys' breaks/vacation, you guys go everywhere. Cause now that you're both older and have a job, you both use your money to travel. He's your travel buddy. Often takes pictures of you and him.

- during long car rides together, he'd blast some music while you two laugh and sing your hearts out. Would put the windows down and let you feel the summer air

- also picks you up from work/if you need a ride to go somewhere, he does it for you. Always telling you to be careful as soon as you wave him goodbye. But not without leaving him a peck on the lips first.

- your guys' house is often filled with books. When you two first moved in, you helped him sort out all his novels, etc. He helps you reach the higher shelves

- when he somehow forgets his lunch/forgets to bring something to his work, etc. You would come by and drop it off for him. Gives you a kiss on the cheek before he leaves.

- gets you your favorite bouquet of flowers during every special occasion. He sometimes gives you a bouquet, even if there isn't a special occasion. Always gets it in your favorite color

- when you ask him what made him want to marry you, he'll instantly say "everything. flaws and all" with no hesitation. His eyes are sincere, and he'd reach up to hold your head closer to his as he makes your foreheads touch.

- he's usually the one to buy you your things. Not just clothes, but things like lotion, shampoo, phone cases, etc. Super observant, and already knows what types you like

- he hangs up your guys' wedding pictures/older pictures of when you two were still dating in college, etc. He also actually spends a good amount of money on the house furniture. He wants the house to be pretty, because this is the place where you two would live.

- before he leaves for work/or before you leave for work, he makes sure to kiss you on the way out. The softest kisses ever, and would hold the sides of your face while doing so, before waving you goodbye.

- visits your family and brings along food for them. He likes having family dinners with both yours and his family combined. It's usually at your guys' house.


- he actually stopped wearing rings on the hand where his wedding ring was, because it was the most special ring he'd ever wear in his life, so he wanted it to have a special place

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