"dance" in the rain

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"That's my foot. That's still my foot. Did your mother never teach you to dance?" Minjimi teased as Seokjin struggled to keep up with the box dance around her room. "I'm trying my best here." He grouched, staring at their feet attempting to get the pattern. "You need to try harder, I need my toes."

They continued to struggle to make it one full box around the room, and eventually, both gave up flopping onto the bed next to each other.

"Nothing we try to do goes to plan, does it?" Minjimi smiled, almost laughing at herself. "We could probably plan to go to the cafe and suddenly the cafe burns down five minutes before we arrive."

"Guess we can't go to a cafe then." Seokjin snickered. Minjimi sat up, looking outside in the rain. "Do you know waltzing?" She asked in a soft tone. Seokjin hummed, "a bit, why?"

"Great, let's go." She grabbed his hand pulling him up off the bed, he stumbled after her confused and they ran down the stairs and out the front door.

Going into the yard and soaked instantaneously, Minjimi laughed as she grabbed both of his hands. "We're going to get sick out here!" Seokjin yelled in order to be heard. "That's what makes it fun!" She spun with him, hands hanging on for dear life as their bodies swung, looking each other in the eyes and laughing, getting dizzy, they stopped spinning and Minjimi scooped up a pile of mud into her hands and threw it at him. He gasped and looked at her, seeking revenge, he picked up mud as well and chased her around the yard.

Mud got into their hair and clothes and smeared over their hands and arms, grass stuck to their exposed feet and was surely to leave them itching with grass cuts later. The rain drenched them and the wind threatened to blow them over so they constantly stuck behind the fence in order to keep from flying away.

The world faded momentarily, it was just them laughing together, chasing each other around. When he would catch up (which happened more often than not) he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, swinging her around. They danced wildly and tackled each other into the ground.

While it was messy, it didn't matter to her. It was a relationship she dreamed of having. She didn't want to sit up and be pretty, she wanted to be free. To do the things a man was deemed worthy of but a woman not of.

When they grew tired, they headed indoors again, sneaking up stairs, Minjimi grabbed a fresh pair of clothes for Seokjin, "I know you just took a shower, but two doesn't hurt. Here, I'll take the one furthest down the hall." She whispered, grabbing clean clothes for herself and hurrying him to the bathroom.

She closed the door behind him and then scrambled to the farthest bathroom. She closed the door and exhaled, looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair a knotted mess already, she giggled and set down her clothes. The fun hadn't lasted long, but it was the best moment shes had in a while, and she clung onto the memory as if she'd lose it soon.

Undressing and getting into the shower, she let the hot water hit her skin warming her up. She couldn't stop thinking about the rain and the cozy smell it had as she ran through it.

That was, until she realized she wasn't really thinking about the rain. Rather she was thinking about him.

His laughter, the way his arms securely wrapped around her and held her close, his eyes creased in a smile and hugging each other as tight as possible. His angel features almost glowing. He was the most beautiful sight...not even the heavens could be that breath taking! Unless...he was from the heavens itself! Aphrodite spent her love and energy on him, creating him with the stars in the night sky, the fireworks that lit up the darkness creating light for all. The sun illuminated his skin, his hair as soft and light as the clouds. Beauty is a light in the heart, and he was her light.

He took the dying embers of her hatred, and relit it back into the great fire of love that it once was.

And all it took was a dance.


A/n: lmao I know this chapter seems rushed, kind of is I guess? I'm trying to figure out where to go next, whether or not it deserves a happy ending lol. Anyways, hope you are having a good day/ night, and I promise I'll stop doing short fill in chapters.

Have this gorgeous piece of man Namjoon

Have this gorgeous piece of man Namjoon

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