spray paint and goodbyes

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Minjimi threw away the spray paint can after shaking it, leaning against a white fence, pulling out a cigarette and handing it to Jeongguk who lit it and put it into his mouth. Jimin finishing coloring in his little creation and threw out his spray can as well.

"We're so dead." Minjimi smirked, looking at their art, Jeongguk chuckled, "only if we get caught." He got off the fence they were leaning against, turning to walk, but ran into someone.

Minjimi looked over, Seokjin stuffed his hands into his pockets, his hair slightly covering his eyes. "You are so dead." He said monotonously. Minjimi scooted off the fence, walking up next to Jeongguk. "How was that food?" She asked, crossing her arms as she leaned her weight onto one leg, but he didn't respond.

"Minnie asked you a question." Jimin's voice spoke up, the older male chuckled. "Cute lil' nickname." Seokjin teased, Jeongguk tilted his head, glaring at him. "What's your game here?"

"I have no game," Seokjin defended, "I just saw you all here, spray painting the hell out of that fence that doesn't belong to any of you."

"Meh, I'm rich, I got money to pay it off." Minjimi shrugged, turning to walk back to Jimin.

"But you won't forever." Seokjin's stern voice made her stop. Slowly, she turned back around, looking at him, raising an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"The whole town knows your parents are cutting you off after you turn of age. You'll be homeless, and everybody you've ever wronged can sue you to death, you'll be arrested and people will have the freedom to accuse you of anything they'd like. Murder, genocide, kidnapping, and nobody can defend you. What...will these two imps defend you? Their in the same boat as you." Seokjin crossed his arms, Minjimi glanced at Jimin and Jeongguk, who were both looking at her concerned. "And because Ms. Minnie won't have her mommy and daddy to save her, all three of you will be executed, even for crimes you did not commit." Seokjin concluded, Minjimi bit her lip, chewing on it as her fist clenched.

It was silent, other than the soft chirping of the birds and leaves blowing in the gentle breeze, her long dark hair tickling her arms, her eyes looking toward the horizon.

She didn't really know what she was thinking about, other than this stranger did have a point. The tall...handsome...stranger...that knew what he was talking about? But how does the town know about her parents cutting her off?

"I'm fine with that. Any place is better than this shit hole of a town." Minjimi scoffed, glaring at the older man, turning back around and walking down the street, listening to Jeongguk and Jimin scurrying to clean up, calling out to her to wait up as they chased after her.

She didn't want to look back...but her mind begged for her to turn around to look at Seokjin, but she didn't, holding up her confidence high yet she was losing it bit by bit inside.

Turn around. Do it. Look at him, look at the person who barely knows you but can read you like a book. Yet, she kept her eyes forward to the horizon. It was a threat...most likely...her mind swirled around endlessly, who was he really?

"Minnie...just ignore him...he's getting into your head." Jimin said breathlessly, she looked at him, coming to a stop. "But he's right...why don't you two go home, I need to go get ready anyway."

"What? For what?" Jeongguk put his hand on her shoulder, she let out a built in sigh. "I'm going to win back my parents trust. It's the best thing to protect you both." She looked at him, Jimin and Jeongguk's eyes welled up. They knew exactly what it meant.

"W-wait...but...what about our dreams? Running away...the three of us...being carefree..." Jimin's voice cracked. "If I can marry a rich man and act like the lady I was supposed to be raised as then neither of you will be hurt, I don't care about myself I care about you." She crossed her arms.

Seokjin's words had sunk into her. She couldn't bare to see her best friends be killed because of her decisions. "But no man deserves you! Come on Minnie, we can get out of this town!" Jimin begged, grabbing her hand but she pulled away. "They'll chase us down and then we'll be in more trouble. You two should know this! It's dangerous as hell to risk this! It's not to late for me to save my image in my family." Minjimi pressed, but Jeongguk grabbed her wrist. "But...your cherry tree...you won't be able to visit it if you're with another rich man."

Minjimi's jaw clenched, tears swelling in her eyes. "I know...and I'll visit it one more time. Just please...go home you two...start planning your great escape." She grinned a little, Jeongguk and Jimin looked at each other, before the both of them trapped her in a tight hug.

After eventually letting go, the two boys walked away, leaving Minjimi alone in the middle of the road, mustangs parked on the side of the road in front of homes, the gentle wind brushing her hair in front of her face, a tear slowly made their way down her cheek.

"Goodbye." She whispered, turning and walking back home. But not before she looked back at Seokjin, who had been watching them silently from the vandalized wall.

Being arrested.

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