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Mezza was peacefully reading a book in her room when Janie came to the door frame and just stood there staring at Mez. Mezza, confused asked "Can I help you?" she asked as Mary, who was also in the room looked up. Janie smirked.

"You like Francis don't ya?" she asked. Mezza cosplayed a million tomatoes through blush while Mary choked and laughed. "I-WHA- NOOOOO I- WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM?" Mezza asked still blushing. "Oh pAleeeeeaase. It's pretty obvious." Janie answered all smug and shit. "Now time to go confront Francis, Ed, Elisa, Bess, Robert and Roy." she said. "Huh?" Mary asked making Janie stop to look at them. "Am I the only one who every pays attention in this damn house? God. Francis likes Mez, Robert and Bess like each other, And Elisa and Eddie, and Roy has a crush on that girl from school." She explained. "Oh. Can I come too?" Mary asked. "I wanna see my brothers all flustered and shit." "Sure"

The two got up to go confront the others leaving Mezza still blushing.

short chapter sorry but i just pictured this happening so i wrote it

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