would they even care?(36)

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long chapter ;-;

The bullying at school didn't get any better. Ed hadn't told anyone about it either.

'Would they even care?' he thought. 'Probably not' he was walking to English when Mezza loosely slung an arm around his shoulder.

"Wanna skip?" she asked. "Um, no?" he liked English class. "I like my next class." She rolled her eyes. "Why are you asking me anyways?" he asked her. "Because only Janie and Roy will come and I don't know." The bell wrung signaling the kids to get to class or else. Ed didn't feel like knowing what 'else' was.

After English, he had to walk across the whole school to get to physics. Woo-hoo. He felt somebody shove him against the wall. 'Please no' he thought. 'I really can't do this now'

They kicked and screamed stuff like 'Kill yourself bitch'. After a while, they finally walked away.

His nose was bleeding and his knees were scraped. 'Great now I need new jeans' He couldn't get up. He started to sob pulled his knees close to his chest.

He didn't know why they did this to him. Why not somebody else! He felt guilty for thinking that.

~mEaNwHiLe At lUnCh~

"Where's Ed?" Bess asked. "Did you make him skip with you and then lose him?" she asked Mezza. "No he said he 'lIkEd hIs neXt cLaSs'" Mezza answered. "Then where is he?" everyone shrugged. They decided to split up and look for him. Eventually Bess and Roy found him.

"Oh Ed!" She hugged her brother as Roy called Jane.

"Roy aren't you supposed to be in class?" she asked on the other side of the phone.

"Yea but we found Edward and he looks like he got beat up and he won't calm down."

"I'll be right there." she hung up.

~at home~

Edward was in his room.

'kill yourself bitch'

That was the only thing he could remember them saying.

'do it'


'they won't care anyways'

'i-i'm sure they will. they're my family'

'no they won't

"Ed! Come downstairs for dinner!" Jane yelled.

ASeveredHead you brought this on yourself ;-;

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