Chapter 2

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(Aizawa POV)

I look at Hizashi as we dash inside the burning house. The heat is overwhelming. I see a woman on the floor and run to her but she is already gone, there is a small scream from just ahead of me and I see a small boy cowering up. He has an All Might onesie on and a backpack, he is coughing as the fire moves closer to him. That's when I see him. This was originally a domestic violence case but quickly escalated when the fire broke out. I see his spout fire from his mouth at the small boy and he screams loudly, I will never forget the sound of his scream for the rest of my life. It burned his exposed cheek and neck before traveling down the left side of his body. I activated my quirk, cutting off his fire as Hizashi tackled him to the floor luckily knocking him out as I ran and picked up the small boy in my arms careful not to hurt him. I run the small boy out to the ambulance and I try to put him on the stretcher but he won't let me go and my heart breaks as he sits in my arms silently. I see Hizashi drag the dirtbag out of the house and the cops cuff him and take him away. He runs over to us just as the small boy opens his eyes.

"It's ok son we got you. You're going to be fine. Can you tell me your name and who that man is?" I ask soothingly.

Tears start slipping down his face and he winces as they touch the burns, before he can tell me anything he passes out from the pain and I let the paramedics do their thing. I watch as they drive down the street leaving the house to the fire brigade. I look at Hizashi and he hugs me as I let a few tears slip down my cheeks. Back at headquarters I used my connections and got the info I needed on the small boy. I found out that it was his name was Izuku Midoriya and it was his fourth birthday that day, the man was his father. And the reason the sick bastard gave for doing what he did was he just found out that his son was quirkless. My chest tightened and I smashed my hands down on my desk in frustration. Hizashi strode over to me with a considered look, it was not very often that I lost my cool.

"What's wrong, babe?" Hizashi said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I handed him the file and he began to frown.

"That son of a bitch." he said, flinging the file on my desk.

(A little over a year later.)

(Aizawa POV)

I grabbed Hizashi's hand and kissed his wedding ring. We are doing this, we're really doing this. I look up at the tall building, from the outside it just looks like a small school, there is a sign on the metal fence surrounding it saying 'Orphanage.' We were finally going to adopt a child of our own. We push the buzzer and wait for the head of the orphanage to meet us.

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Aizawa." she bows to us.

"Good morning Miss Pewter." we both bow back nervously.

She shows us to her office and we sit there as she looks over our paperwork, my leg starts bouncing as we sit there silently as she explains about the children in her care. Hizashi put a reassuring hand on my knee calming me. She tells us that all the eligible children will be in the main hall and we can mingle and talk to them and see if we make a connection with any, she told us unfortunately there are no babies left as they are in the highest demand and are not in the orphanage long. We weren't looking for a baby so that didn't bother us, with our hero work and being teachers we thought a baby might not be right for us right now.

Eventually, she showed us to the big hall, there were more kids than I expected to be honest and my heart hurt as I clenched my t-shirt. I saw a few other potential parents in the hall some of them openly showing their disgust at the fact that we are gay. My heart races as I look around the hall, there are small huddles of older kids in one corner and a lot of smaller kids running around giggling and talking to the other adults. We decide to just wander around and see if anyone comes up to us or stands out.

There are tables lined up on one of the walls with refreshments and I see a small puff of green hair poking out from under the table, I nudge Hizashi and point to the table. We walk over slowly and bend down. There is a small boy with his head in his knees clutching something to his face. I can just make out he is crying, his messy green hair is shaking. Before I can say anything there is a tap on my shoulder. It is one of the younger staff members. She sticks out her hand for me to shake it, but something feels off. I don't like the look she gives the small boy.

"You don't want that one, no one does. He doesn't even have a quirk," she tells me quietly. A smaller boy runs up to her.

"Yeah he is just a worthless Deku," he says as they both laugh. I bat her hand away from me angrily and turn back to the boy.

"Hi, what's your name? Oh is that an All Might bag you have? Can I tell you a secret? I know All Might." I whisper closely to him.

He lifts his head and I see his big green eyes and my jaw drops. I look at Hizashi and I see tears in his eyes as he puts his hand to his mouth.

"Izuku? Izuku do you remember me?" I ask him tears running down my face as I try my best to smile at him. I wipe away his tears with my thumb.

He blinks a few times staring up at us before he shuffles out from under the table and throws his arms around my neck holding onto me tightly as he begins to cry on my shoulder. Wrap my hands around him and lift him up as I hug him.

"Looks like we have found our perfect little prince," Hizashi says smiling, rubbing his back.

I notice him jump as Hizashi touches his back and I lift his raggedy t-shirt up revealing an array of bruises up his tiny back. The rage on my face is evident as I hold the scared boy to my chest and the room falls silent. I walk with Hizashi over to the head of the Orphanage office once again. I walk straight in not bothering to knock.

"What the hell happened to him, and god forbid you tell me one lie." I say as calmly as I can muster.

I sit on the seat and cradle the small boy in my arms until he falls asleep clutching the same bag he had just over a year ago. She tells us how after the hospital with no parents or family he was put in here. She knew kids were picking on him but never caught any of them doing it and he hasn't said a word since he arrived a year before so she couldn't punish anyone. When I told her about the staff member she assured me that today would be her last day as she did not tolerate that kind of behavior from the staff.

"Oh we will be taking him with us today he is not spending another minute in here," I say to her.

"I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa, that is not how it works." she protested but Hizashi held his finger up to shush her and he made a phone call. A moment later he handed the phone to her and she gasped.

"Yes sir, of course, sir. You have my word, sir. Right away sir. Thank you, sir." I watch as she turns pale.

I look over at Hizashi and he just smiles at me as she hands the phone back to him looking defeated.

"Where are the rest of his belongings," Hizashi asks her calmly.

"Everything he came with is in that bag. He only has a single photo in there. He won't let anyone touch the bag or the photo. There is one more thing you should know before the three of you leave. He suffers from night terrors. We had to move him into a room himself away from the other kids as he was disturbing them." she said rather coldly.

"Do you even know what happened to him, do you know that it was my husband and myself that saved him from that monster. Then he comes here and is tortured even more. I'm not surprised he has them. Don't think this is over I will be sending someone to look into the well-being of the other children, you mark my words." I said standing up. Izuku stirred in my arms and looked up at me.

"Hey, my little prince are you ready to go home with us?" I smile at him. He puts his arms out to both of us and hugs us so tight that my heart hurts. He has been through too much pain in his short five years. But that's all about to change.

A month later we signed the final paperwork adopting Izuku, we asked him what he wanted his name to be as any time somebody called him Izuku he would have a panic attack. He wrote his new name on a piece of paper for us. Shota Hizashi Aizawa. He told us he wanted to be called after his two dads and his two biggest heroes. I don't think I have ever cried so much as I did that day.

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