Chapter 4

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(Bakugo POV)

I sat eating my lunch outside with the class, it was just too damn hot inside. I took off my blazer and rolled up my shirt sleeves as I lay on the grass and closed my eyes. The heat from the sun on my skin was nice and it calmed me. I listened to all the extras talk about our class this morning with the third-year Deku. Kirishima and Kaminari were nearest to me rambling on about some game they were playing on Kaminari's phone. For some reason, those two were the least annoying of all the extras. They at least knew when to leave me be. Suddenly all the light disappeared and I opened my eyes to see someone tall standing over me. I couldn't make out who it was as the sun was right behind them.

"Hi guys, how was the rest of Hero training?" Deku asked everyone. He sat down next to me.

My heart rate seemed to beat faster and I sat up shifting so the sun wasn't in my eyes. I glanced at Deku next to me. The sunlight danced across his freckled cheeks as he smiled, I was on his left side and I could see his scar up close now. His left hand was on the grass close to mine and I could see small scars poking out the end of his sleeve. Does that scar run all the way down his arm, or does he have a scar on his neck and one on his hand? He looks younger in his uniform somehow.

"Yeah, it was good, not as much fun without you though." Round Face says moving closer. He just laughs as he takes a bottle of water out of his bag.

"Are you not boiling in that man?" Kirishima asks as Deku takes a long drink.

"Nah I'm good." he pulled the sleeve over his left hand a bit as more people moved closer.

He may be great at a lot of things but lying wasn't one of them, I could see beads of sweat running down his neck. He was clearly hot, but for some reason, he wasn't comfortable taking off his jacket. I wonder if it's because of his scars? He looks hot even with them. I smile in spite of myself and of course, that is when he decides to turn and look at me, making my stomach do a flip as he holds my stare.

"Aizawa, hey Aizawa!" a boy shouts running up the hill in our direction. I look about but I can't see Aizawa anywhere, I see the class looking around as well with a confused look on their faces. The boy running up the hill is tall and lanky with a buzz cut. He stops a few feet from us panting as he rests his hands on his knees.

"Aizawa please help me with English I can't fail this test again," he says, pulling his hands together begging. We all just stare at him as if he has lost his marbles. Deku laughs next to me and starts to get up.

"Of course I can Tanaka. I'll see you guys around." he grabs his bag and runs up to the much taller boy and they run down the hill together. I look over at the class.

"Did he just call him Aizawa, you don't think he is related to our Aizawa do you?" Alien girl asked as she watched the two boys until they disappeared.

Nobody was able to concentrate in class the rest of the day. A note was passed back to me not too long before the end of class, I opened it. Its tiny messy writing was a short message. 'Do you think we should ask Aizawa if they are related?' Down the middle was a line with yes on one side and no on the other, so far all the tickets were a yes. I put a big tick in the no and scribbled my own message. 'If he wanted us to know he would tell us! Stop being fucking nosy.' I folded it up and passed it back.

I heard a snort from behind me and just lay my head on the cool table, I had already finished my work anyway. My eyes began to drift closed.

The class was strangely quiet but I could hear muffled voices. I lifted my head and ran my hands over my face and stretched. I looked around and the classroom was empty.

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