Chapter 6

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(Bakugo POV)

I glanced at my clock and it read 2:20 and I have changed my outfit 3 times. I finally settled on a short-sleeved black shirt and jeans. I hear a knock on my door and I swing the door open, Kirishima and Kaminari look at me and tut.

"You changed again! Right we better get you out of here before you completely lose it." Kirishima laughed as he dragged me out of my dorm.

"Hold on dumbass, I need to get the card," I say as I run back inside and pick it up from my desk.

Five minutes later and we are all ready to go. We're not sure how long it will take us to get there so we head out even though it's only 3.30. As it turns out it only took us ten minutes to get there with Aizawa's directions. We stood outside a two-story cottage with a small brick wall running around it. I could hear music playing outside and there were balloons tied to a small iron fence at the side of the house. I looked at the others and headed through the gate.

It took us behind the cottage to a long garden, there were many more balloons and a long table with benches near the small wall. The BBQ was set up on the decking near the cottage with a small table and a few chairs. There was another table set up on the decking that had a laptop and some speakers on top, I'm guessing that was the karaoke. In the middle of the garden, there were outside sofas and deck chairs with a low table that had a few drinks on it. At the far end of the garden was a large tree with a homemade swing hanging from one of the thick overhanging branches. I heard voices coming from the cottage, we turned to the patio doors as both of Junior's dads walked out of the cottage holding several bottles of juice. They smiled at us putting the juice on the smaller table. Aizawa made his way over to us as Hizashi disappeared back into the house.

"You found it ok then?" He smiled looking at his watch. We all silently nod and he began to laugh at our nervousness. I looked around and saw that we were all huddled tightly together with me in the lead.

"Hizashi call Junior for me." He shouts back at the cottage. Hizashi pops back out the door with an apron on and food on trays ready to be cooked. He places them next to the BBQ. I see Aizawa cover his ears and I look at him puzzled.

"Marco!" Hizashi shouts using his quirk. I clap my hands on my ears as the ring, I can see others doing the same.

"Polo!" I hear Junior shout from somewhere in the trees at the end of the garden.

"He is up there, he will be down in a moment," he says as he goes to help Hizashi bring more food out. I stare at the base of the trees, but even in the bright sunlight, I see nothing. Then I see the branches of the trees begin to shake and Junior drops down from a high branch. He is wearing what looks like tight black jeans and a tight green t-shirt with short sleeves and a v-neckline. His hair is in a messy ponytail again. My heart thumps in my chest as he walks towards us holding something small in his hands. The closer he gets I can see it is a digital camera. He is so completely engrossed in what he is doing that he walks past all of us not even looking up for a moment before stopping a few feet past us. I see his ponytail flop down as he looks up from the camera and swings to the side before he turns back to us, finally noticing we are here. His green eyes grow bigger as he looks right at me, I feel my heart race as he smiles at me and I can't help but smile back at him.

"What are all of you doing here? Not that I'm complaining." He said rubbing the back of his neck as he smiled at me.

"Your dads invited us for your birthday party. Here we made this, we..we weren't sure what you would like so we thought you might like to come camping with us tomorrow and bring your camera. You know since you like photography and that." I said in one breath causing him and a few others to burst out laughing.

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